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Home » PROPHECY! Women are going to arise in 2017, Anointed Women in their Purpose, Virtuous Christian Women to Lift their Voices

PROPHECY! Women are going to arise in 2017, Anointed Women in their Purpose, Virtuous Christian Women to Lift their Voices


LISTEN NOW! Patricia King continues to release prophetic words over 2017 by highlighting how women are going to be used. “Virtuous Christian women will need to take their place in 2017 and release their voice so that this righteous moral standard can be raised.” As she points out how opposition is sure to arise against these that God uses, she reminds us how we must respond as the Church; “Much prayer will be needed to under-gird women in their education system and the education system who will be assaulted and bullied for their values.” We must stand up in intercession and prayer for those standing up for Christ on all levels of education.
When people are against us for what we believe in Christ, we cannot be shocked nor surprised. For too long we have sought the acceptance of others. The student is not about the Teacher. This is the same way they treated Jesus, the most we can hope for is to be treated the same as Jesus was treated. We must learn how to love amid these realities. We may encounter opposition in our own marriages, in our homes, in our own church gatherings. Be encouraged as you hear the entire word from Patricia King, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment. 




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