LISTEN NOW! (or WATCH FULL PROGRAM!) [PART 2] When you think about Nigeria, Africa, what comes to your mind? What do you think about? Can you imagine traveling to Nigeria to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Apostle Isaiah Kadiri has traveled all the way from Nigeria to America to share the Gospel in America, and also what the Lord is doing in Nigeria. In order to better connect with Apostle Kadiri and the Nigerian people, it is important that we see Nigeria with a Nigerian lens and not from our own perspective.
FTD Facts does an outstanding job establishing the facts. Nigeria is an African nation that is not only rich in diversity and culture, but also known for its cuisine. “Nigeria gets its name from the River Niger and that actually is the largest river in West Africa.” The ethnicity in Nigeria is more than most would probably be aware of. “There are over 500 ethnic groups in Nigeria.” While the primary language in Nigeria is English, “there’s also 600 distinct language groups”.
The nation of Nigeria is comprised of three main religions: Islam, Christianity, and the traditional religion in the region. The borders of Nigeria were established through British colonization. It was also through this colonization that the Message of Jesus Christ was shared to the Nigerian people. Nigeria is also the 7thmost populous country in the world with a population of 189 million people. “Despite its large population, Nigeria is still largely a rural country. Only 48% of the population actually live in cities.” There is also an abundance of wealth that flows into Nigeria because of its rich oil reserves. For example, the CEO of the Dangote Group, Aliko Dangote, estimated to have a worth of $12.1 Billion, lives in Nigeria. With this in mind, it is important to understand that most of these resources will never reach the majority of the Nigerian people. About 80% of the Nigerian population makes $1 a day.
As one who can speak first-hand about the nation of Nigeria, Apostle Kadiri shares about the hospitality and kindness of the Nigerian people. “They are so hospitable. They love Americans. They love strangers, especially from other parts of the world.” Greg can empathize with this reality of the Nigerian people as God had given him a love for the nation of Nigerian revealing that he is to be connected to the Nigerian people.
The picture and narrative of Nigeria that the media broadcasts is not an accurate perspective. The colonization of Africa and Nigeria is a blessing because it brought the Gospel of Jesus Christ to this region. Considering how many different languages there are in Nigeria, it is a blessing that so many people speak English. As Apostle Kadiri expresses, “There is no place on Earth where you have so much diversity like Nigeria. No place on Earth where you have multicultural life like Nigeria…I do know that the English language is what really binds the whole nation together. The means of communication is the English language. It is the official language.” As we are getting a sense for the culture and diversity of Nigeria, what is the lifestyle like within Nigeria?
Seeker Network reveals a closer look of Nigeria. Taking into consideration the vast amount of wealth that flows into Nigeria, mainly through its oil industry, “2/3’s of Nigerians lives in extreme poverty.” While electricity is something that can quickly be taken for granted in America, it is quite the opposite in Nigeria. “It’s not uncommon to have a total of only 24-hours of working electricity for every one-month period.” Traffic is another part of life in the urban areas of Nigeria. “The streets are almost always congested thanks to a lack of working traffic lights”. While the government is a democracy, created in comparison to the government of America, it is riddled with corruption.
Apostle Kadiri talks more in detail about the government within Nigeria explaining that their current President is Muslim while their Vice President is Christian. It is because of the mismanagement from the Nigerian leadership that has caused the overwhelming poverty to exist in the region.
It is important to recognize that there is a great transference of wealth coming to the Body of Christ. Apostle Kadiri also points to Nigeria’s vast mineral deposits. “We have over 37 different mineral deposits.” He also adds, “We have no reason to be poor”. As he further explains, his trust is not in government, but in the Hand of God to turn the situation around for the Nigerian people.
When we look at how daily life can be in Nigeria, it paints a dramatic perspective for every individual in America. There is nothing to complain about in America. As Apostle Kadiri explains, “All Americans should lift their hands and worship”. We have so much to be thankful for we have to guard our hearts and not take for granted the blessings that are so abundantly all around us.
In addition, food is another resource that isn’t a common staple item to everyone in Nigeria. While the government is presently working on providing a meal for every child while they are in school, a lot of people starve. Apostle Kadiri explains how the mechanized processing of food that is so common in America is not present in Nigeria. As Apostle Kadiri shares more about the daily lifestyle in Nigeria, he also shares about how the Lord is moving in their gatherings. On the first Friday of every month, the Church gathers together for an all-night prayer meeting. They gather from 10 PM to 5 in the morning. In these services, he shares how God moves powerfully through healings and deliverance.
Be sure to see the whole dialogue and discussion with Apostle Isaiah Kadiri as he shares an intimate perspective of the Nigeria lifestyle as well as the exciting work that the Lord is doing in the Body of Christ and so much more. Also shared in this segment: missionaries, Great Wall of China, Nollywood, Sudan, Paganism, Gutenberg Printing Press, Boko Haram, fertile soil, court room of God, Gold Rain, gavel, transfer of wealth, Brownsville Revival, and healings. Greg and Apostle Isaiah shared in this segment.
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This post was updated 03-31-17