LISTEN NOW! The Book of Esther chronicles how a plot to destroy the Israelite’s was created by a man named Haman. But, because of Mordecai, 3 days of fasting and praying, and Esther’s willingness to stand before the king on behalf of her people, the plot was not only stopped, but turned on the head of Haman. The Jews continue to celebrate this moment in their history as they celebrate Purim. With this history in mind, co-founder of The Call, Lou Engle has called for 3 days of fasting and prayer.
Engle recently had a dream where a godly rising of women in American was occuring. As Engle describes, “I experienced a life-changing dream where I saw a nation-wide Esther movement arising that alone could break a major spiritual power of death.” Patricia King also shared a similar word prophetically when she talked about ‘virtuous women arising in 2017’.
There is a lot of witchcraft targeted at our President. We must stand in prayer and in support of him and the many decisions that he must make, along with his cabinet members. Join the Body of Christ as we enter into these three days of fasting from sundown on March 8th, through Saturday evening, March 11th. Hear more about the events leading up to Lou Engle’s call to fast and pray, the history on Purim, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Israel, pro-life movement, women’s march, Presidential Inauguration, and media. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Courtesy of Jesus Cervante/Shutterstock.com
Courtesy of Jesus Cervante/Shutterstock.com
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The Book of Esther
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