LISTEN NOW! (Or WATCH FULL PROGRAM!) President Trump continues his productive record in the White House as he shares his Weekly Address to the American people. As we celebrate Women’s History Month, and the President expresses thanks to many of the women that have made America what it is today. “Honoring the countless contributions that women leaders, scientists, and entrepreneurs have made throughout American history. We are a greater, stronger, and more just nation today because of women like Clara Barton, Susan B. Anthony, Harriet Tubman, and so many others.” It is also notable to mention that this address came while in his 50th day in Office.
The President changes topics as he addresses the issue of healthcare in America. He points out the failures of Obamacare; rising premiums, broken promises, and decreasing plans. “This year, Americans in nearly one third of all counties have only one insurer to choose from on the exchanges.” The President continues to point out the dire effects of Obamacare. “Americans were promised that if they liked their health insurers and their doctors, they could keep them. Instead, millions of Americans lost the insurance, and lost the doctor that they liked.” While many realize how broken Obamacare is, President Trump addresses the priority it is to resolve this. “I want every American to know that action on Obamacare is an urgent necessity.” He continues to explain, “If we do nothing, millions more innocent Americans will be hurt, and badly hurt. That’s why we must repeal and replace Obamacare.”
It is encouraging to see the President recognize the many important women that have made America what it is today, as well as addressing the topic of healthcare in America, making changes to rectify it, and so much more. See the full remarks from the President’s Weekly Address, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Secretary of Health and Human Services, Tom Price, state lines, House plan, and competition. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.
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