LISTEN NOW! Some may not be aware as to how much of an increasing epidemic sexual slavery has become in the world. As President Trump is responding to so many issues and problems in America, he is also acknowledging and addressing this issue as well.
When recently leading a session on Domestic and International Human Trafficking, President Trump spoke about how America, and his Administration would be responding. “…I am prepared to bring the full force and weight of our government at the federal level, and the other highest levels, whatever we can do, in order to solve this horrific problem.” President Trump brought attention to the truth that these events are not just happening in Thailand. “It’s getting worse and it’s happening in the United States in addition to the rest of the world, but it’s happening in United States, which is terrible.”The President further underscored; “Solving the human trafficking epidemic, which is what it is, is a priority for my Administration.”
Be encouraged as you see and hear the President’s full statements regarding the existence of sex trafficking in the world, as well as in America, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: pedophiles, internet, The Department of Justice, The Department of Homeland Security, crimes, and justice. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.
Courtesy of GrAl/Shutterstock.com
Courtesy of GrAl/Shutterstock.com
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