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Home » Terrorist Attack in United Kingdom, At Least 4 Reported Dead

Terrorist Attack in United Kingdom, At Least 4 Reported Dead


LISTEN NOW! (Or Watch Full Program!)Tragic news is being released from the United Kingdom as terror has truck the streets outside of Parliament. CNN has reported that four people were killed when a vehicle drove through a crowd of bystanders. Gunshots rang out and a police officer was stabbed to death. Two witnesses described the carnage, “at least 10 to 12 bodies just lying in different places along the bridge…it was horrendous.” It is presently being called a terrorist attack by UK authorities.
This rings reminder to the prophetic word regarding Guy Fawkes who rose up in rebellion against government. Pray for the United Kingdom that Islam would not win in this nation but that Christianity would move upon the hearts. Pray also for the leadership in the United Kingdom and the families of those who have lost loved ones. See the full report of what is taking place and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Radical Islam, prayer, and borders. Greg shared in this segment. 

screen capture from CNN.com


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