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Home » ‘Repeal or Replace’, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has a suggestion for the Iran Nuclear Deal

‘Repeal or Replace’, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has a suggestion for the Iran Nuclear Deal


LISTEN NOW! (Or WATCH FULL PROGRAM!) In America, the words “repeal and replace” are words that many Americans are aware of regarding an array of topics in today’s government. But, in the sense of what is happening in Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has his own application for the words, “repeal and replace”; that is the Iran Deal. When speaking with Fox News’ Sean Hannity, he spoke on the topic of the Iran Nuclear Deal that was signed during the Obama Administration.
“Our problem with the deal, my problem is not that they would violate the deal, and they will wherever they can; It’s that, if they don’t violate the deal, they walk into it within 12 years, into unimpeded enrichment of uranium, which is what you need to make bombs.”He continues, “And from there, the distance to making bombs is nothing.” Prime Minister Netanyahu also comments on Iran’s economy and the fact that it is increasing because of the funding that is being supplied to it because of the deal. But, it’s’ not just how Iran is being effected from this deal and the endless possibilities that are up in the air, but also their recent advancements in the region. Prime Minister Netanyahu explains, “They moved into Yemen, in a big way, which is a maritime brute for the world.” Hannity responds, “and threatening the Saudis”. Prime Minister Netanyahu continues his point, “…not threatening, FIRING…well rockets and missiles into Saudi territory, from Yemen.”
Without the strategic understanding of Yemen, one may not grasp what the urgency of concern is. Prime Minister Netanyahu continues to explain. “They moved into Syria. They’re trying to establish a naval base on the Mediterranean.” He continues to address the dangers of the possible reality. “Can you imagine Iranian submarines in the Mediterranean?” Hannity interjects, “That’s scary.” As he continues to list the other military forces who are present in the same location, he asks the question, “Do you want Iranians there?” Hannity flatly responds, “NOPE!”
The Prime Minister continues to share how he expressed the concern of this threat in the region when he spoke with Russia’s Vladimir Putin. “I said it’s not in the interest of anyone, including Russia to have Iranian naval base in the Mediterranean…” When Hannity tries to push to another topic, the Prime Minister continues his point, “…I didn’t hear a forceful argument.”
After Hannity talks about other players in the region and how they are being effected by Russia, the Prime Minister moves the focus back to his thoughts on the Iranian Nuclear Deal. “Look, here’s my position, but it’s my position…if I had to compress it to two words, repeal or replace.” When Hannity expresses the familiar understanding in America, the Prime Minister continues. “I think Washington has to decide its own position. But clearly, one thing that has to be changed, is to not let Iran have the best of all worlds. Which is the worst of all worlds for Israel, the Arab countries, the United States, the world.”
As many around the world, especially Israel, just had the Holocaust Remembrance Day, we must remember the evils and intentions of evil. At the onset of this Nuclear Deal being signed under the Obama Administration, Iran found itself on the receiving end of more than $100B which they could freely use to make nuclear weapons. It is imperative that we not only pray for wisdom during these times and seasons, but that we must also pray for the peace and safety of Israel. See the full dialogue between Sean Hannity, Prime Minister Netanyahu, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Tehran, Saudi Arabia, Radical Islam, Nuclear War, Jerusalem, and prayer. Greg and John shared in this segment. 

Screen capture from cbsnews.com


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