LISTEN NOW! President Trump’s First 100 Days! Looking at all that has been taking place in America since President Trump has begun his new role in the White …
LISTEN OR WATCH NOW It is so important to have an elected leader that not only understands the importance of the U.S. Constitution, but also understands the importance of defending …
LISTEN NOW! President Trump Boldly Defends 2nd Amendment NRA Speech It is so important to have an elected leader that not only understands the importance of the U.S. …
LISTEN OR WATCH NOW It is always an encouraging an uplifting moment when the world gets to listen to Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu speak. When he recently spoke at …
LISTEN NOW! Driverless Cars, Artificial Intelligence: Race to Super intelligence or Civilization ending? It is always an encouraging an uplifting moment when the world gets to listen to Israel’s …
LISTEN OR WATCH NOW May 4, 2017 is this year’s National Day of Prayer. It is this day, the first Thursday of May, that has been designated for this purpose. …
LISTEN OR WATCH NOW As the Christian Post is reporting, LifeWay Research has recently released a study on how Americans respond to the Bible and what their thoughts are. According …
LISTEN NOW! National Day of Pray, 45,000 Events Nations Wide- One Voice for One Purpose May 4, 2017 is this year’s National Day of Prayer. It is this …
In a continuation of the conversation regarding law and morality, it is imperative to know how then to respond and what to do. How do we, as Christians live before …
When Law and Morality Collide Part Two: Be of No reputation, Commit to taking Action, and You can’t do it Alone In a continuation of the conversation regarding law …
LISTEN OR WATCH NOW During President Trump’s initial Presidential campaign, he stressed the priority of safety in America and the threats of ISIS in the world. While speaking about …
LISTEN OR WATCH NOW If our President, President Donald Trump were not busy enough already, he recently took the time to have a video conference call with a few individuals that …