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Home » WATCH! The first 100 days of the Trump Administration; Celebrating Israel’s Independence Day

WATCH! The first 100 days of the Trump Administration; Celebrating Israel’s Independence Day


President Trump’s First 100 Days! 
Looking at all that has been taking place in America since President Trump has begun his new role in the White House, it is amazing to realize that he has only been President for 100 days. He is just getting started. Executive orders, meeting with business leaders, meeting with educational leaders, market responses, multiple speeches, and a Supreme Court Nomination make up this first 100 days in office. With a little more than a week in office, heads were turning at the amount of impact and action that President Trump was doing. ”The pace over the past ten days has been astronomical. Everybody in official Washington that I talk to, said ‘I cannot believe he’s only been President for ten days’”, said Joe Scarborough. As America has an economy based on confidence, the activity in this first quarter, as said by a reporter really tells it all. “The DOW, still nearing all-time-highs, is finishing the longest quarterly winning streak in ten years.” While speaking to Sean Hannity, Lou Dobbs said these words, “Well he’s pretty close to perfect Sean…He has done more than any President in the last, in recent history, in the last half century in the first 98 days of his Presidency.”
This is so exciting to see so much action and promises during his campaign trail become a reality. This is the beginningof the shiftthat the Lord has revealedto many regardingWashington D.C. People who were satisfied with the previous status quo: the aborting of babies, befriending the enemies of Israel, are not happy with what is taking place. But, for those who are Pro-American, Pro-Constitution, and Pro-Israel, they are very happy right now. There are always going to be differences of opinion when leadership changes. See the full overview of what has taken place in these first 100 days, the President’s uplifting words during his speech to a joint session of Congress, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: union leaders, Justice Neil Gorsuch, Supreme Court Nomination, The Trump Effect, NASDAQ, NYSE, New York Stock Exchange, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran Nuclear Deal, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Vice President Mike Pence Participate in Israel’s Independence Day; Commemoration at the White House
There is no question that our current leadership in the White House, President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, are pro-Israel and support Israel. As Israel recently celebrated their Independence Day, Vice President Mike Pencealso recognized the significance of the day as a roomful of Israelis and those who are Pro-Israel stood in support of Israel on this momentous day. “I had the distinct honor to wish a happy Independence Day to Prime Minister Netanyahu over the phone as we celebrate the 69th Anniversary of the independence of America’s most cherished ally, The Jewish State of Israel.”
After a warm welcome to all of those present in the White House, Vice President Pence began to share about the significance of what took place 69 years ago. “On this day, the fifth day in the month of Iyar, in the Hebrew calendar in 1948, nothing short of a miracle occurred. On that day, in the ancient and eternal homeland of the Jewish people, the State of Israel was reborn.” As this moment in Jewish history commemorates Israel’s independence, the Vice President continues to emphasize to the world where America stands. “President Trump stands, without apology, for Israel and he always will.” As the Vice President continues to speak, he also shares the actions presently being considered regarding Israel. “…the President of the United States, as we speak, is giving serious consideration to moving the American Embassy in Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem.”
This is such an exciting moment. The previous administration appeared to continuously recognize Israel in a negative light, celebrating Islam and not Israel, while reportedly welcoming the Muslim Brotherhood. A shift has begun. See the full response from Vice President Pence recognizing Israel’s independence, as well as other speakers, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, The White House, the Trump Administration, Ishtar Dinners, and the U.S. Embassy. Greg and John shared in this segment.

President Trump Giving Serious Consideration to Moving US Embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem 
May is a significant month for Israel as it commemorates Israel’s Independence. Based on reports, President Trump will be in Israel May 22ndand 23rd. But, many people are suggesting that this is a historic time for President Trump to choose his first visit to Israel as the previous administration did not visit Israel until the second term. While celebrating the Independence of the Jewish State of Israel, Vice President Mike Pence spoke to celebratory crowd in the White House about the President’s recent actions. “…the President of the United States, as we speak, is giving serious consideration to moving the American Embassy in Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem.”
Since Bill Clinton was in the White House, the potential of the U.S. Embassy being moved from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem has been delayed every six months. You can contact your senator or congressman to express your support of President Trump making the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem a reality. See the full context of what is taking place, both in America and Israel in these exciting days, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Israel Celebrate 50 Year Anniversary of Six Day War and the Re- Unification of Israel
It is exciting to see how our current administration is recognizing the celebration of Israel’s Independence as a Jewish State during the Six Day War. Some may not be familiar with what took place during this moment in history. Dennis Prager does an outstanding job of doing a brief overlook of what transpired, resulting in Israel’s independence. At the time, Egypt’s leader, Gamal Abdel Nasser, declared his plans to destroy Israel. As Prager explains, “He placed Egyptian troops on Israel’s border, and armies of surrounding Arab countries were also mobilized to attack. However, Israel preemptively attacked Egypt and Syria. Israel did not attack Jordan and begged Jordan’s king to not join the war.” When the king in fact joined, and the other armies attacked Israel, Israel was forced to respond. “Only because of that, did Israel take control of Jordanian land, specifically, the West Bank of the Jordan River.” This is something that not many are aware of. The land of Egypt and Jordan that we see today was originally Israel’s land.
Today, when one thinks of the city of Jerusalem, it is with a modern perspective of how things look today. But before 1967, the Jewish people were not able to go to certain places as they are today. Can you imagine being present during the Six Day War and witnessing the City of Jerusalem being liberated? Israel Defense Forces chronicle this significant moment in history. With the squelches of radio talk being heard, and advancement of Israeli troops being seen through the Old City, this moment in history comes alive. It’s interesting as we look upon ever mile upon the Globe, the small sliver of land that gains the most attention, is the city of Jerusalem. Why is there so much controversy over this single city? Because it’s God’s city.
As the State of Israel celebrates this exciting moment, the mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat, also speaks about this momentous occasion. “Since reuniting Jerusalem 50 years ago, Israel has celebrated the rich diversity of our system. We have maintained freedom of religion, movement and expression for all of our cities resolutions. These values are the core of Israel’s democracy. They’re values that are the basis of our enduring bond with our strongest ally, the United States.”


This May is such a significant moment in the Earth. Something is taking place all over the world. When God things take place, people held in strongholds tend to get upset. The reason that Jerusalem is in Israel now, is because they got it back during the Six Day War. As Israel celebrated in 1967, they celebrate again today, and we celebrate alongside them. It is also a significant occasion that President Trump will be in Israel on the eve of Jerusalem Day during his visit on May 22-23. See the full story of what is taking place in Israel as many celebrate the history of Israel’s birth, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: UNESCO, The United Nations, Jerusalem Israel, John Kilpatrick Ministries, General Kelly, General Mattis, Harry Truman, and prayer. Greg and John shared in this segment. 


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