LISTEN NOW! (Or WATCH FULL PROGRAM!) Believers across Northwest Florida are gathering in Pensacola to show their support of a large Cross that has been in place for over 75 years. U.S. District Court Judge, Roger Vinson, has recently ruled that the existence of the Cross violates the separation of church and state. According to USA Today, “The American Humanists Association and the Freedom From Religion Foundation filed a lawsuit against the city asking for the cross to be removed because they said it violated the separation of church and state”. The Beckett Fund has offered its legal services to represent the city of Pensacola, free of charge. The Beckett Fund is the same non-profit organization that offered its services when Hobby Lobby came under fire for refusing to comply with the Obamacare mandate regarding birth control. As believers have convened to rally in support of the Cross staying, the Judge has now ruled that the city be allowed more time to appeal the decision. “However, I concluded my order with an invitation for the Supreme Court to revisit and reconsider its Establishment Clause jurisprudence.” Judge Vinson continues, “Apparently taking the first step to that end, the City has filed a motion to stay my judgment pending an appeal to ‘the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals, and, if necessary, the Supreme Court.” This is a significant swing in a positive direction for the Cross remaining where it stands. This Cross has been part of Pensacola’s Bayview Park since 1941. As many people gathered around the Cross in Bayview Park, several took their time to share their thoughts about what it meant to them for the Cross to remain in the Park, and be a part of Pensacola. A medical doctor who practices as a OB/GYN, shared about the significance of what is found in the Preamble of the Constitution. “It says, ‘to secure the blessings of liberty, to ourselves and our posterity’”. He elaborates the importance to carry on these rights and blessings so that the generations after us will have the same blessings we have today. The doctor continues to describe Arlington National Cemetery and the 400,000+ graves that are located there. “The vast majority have a little white Cross. Is that the establishment of a religion? No.” In the middle of his comments, a woman attempts to interrupt his time attempting to express her own thoughts against the existence of the Cross. As she is escorted away from the microphone, the doctor adds, “Yeah, we have the freedom of speech, but we also have the right to peace-ably assemble”. During the past administration, it appeared that there was a continual chipping away of the freedom in America as many began to question and doubt the very freedoms that we are afforded in America and no longer had full confidence in the ability to exercise the rights afforded in the Constitution. Many Believers are recognizing these lies for what they are and using their voices to stand up for what they believe in. Former House of Representative, Mike Hill, also shared his thoughts. Mike Hill speaks about America’s Constitution and the statements that our forefathers put in the Preamble of the Constitution. “Our founding fathers put that in place, I believe was a God inspired document, not God breathed, but a God inspired document that did this simple thing; Let my people go. Set the people free so that they can worship Me in spirit, and in truth, and prosper”. At the time of this rally, Judge Vinson had yet to change his decision on the matter. In response to the original decision, Mike Hill talks about three possible options the city has. “We can appeal the decision…another step we can do is to lease the property. We lease the property to a private, non-profit organization for a long-term period.” And lastly, he expresses, “to buy the property”. It is so exciting to see so many from across the region gathering together to rally in support of this Cross remaining in the park. Mike Hill elaborates on the responsibility that we have in our generation, as well as the next. “Years from now, when your children or grandchildren ask the question, ‘what did you do when they were trying to remove the Cross? Did you just stay at home? … Or did you come out in support of our religious freedom?” Thank God that there have been the generations who have gone before us that remained faithful in their generation to carry the baton that was handed to them. That same baton has been handed to our generation and will one day be passed on to the next generation. Pastor Joey Rogers, of Pace Assembly, hits the nail on the head with the urgent reality of this moment. “This is our window of opportunity. If we miss this, we may never get it again.” Pastor Rogers continues, “For everyone who makes their stand, it will be heard in the halls of our government. Politicians are looking for the feedback of the public. And when you’ve got four that are saying tear it down, and you’ve got this amount of people that showed up, it will make all the difference in the world.” Dean Easterwood, owner of Ears 2 Hear Hearing Center, was also in attendance to show his support of the Bayview Cross. “This is just my part of showing up, and doing my part. Even if it was to stand here, and listen, and be in agreement. I was counted today. This one person was counted today. If you look around, they were all counted today.” This is such a powerful truth that the Church will be greatly encouraged by. The enemy does all he can to lie to you about the significance and power of your voice. When many come together in unity for glory of God, it is an unstoppable force. Pastor Dennis Louis of McIlwein Presbyterian Church shared an insightful truth of our voices being heard in the public square. “Our government is willing to have our tax dollars in the public coffers, they’re willing to have our blood on the land in foreign wars, they’re willing to have our children in their public schools, but they don’t want to have our voices in the public square, and they don’t want to have our public symbols in the public square.” It is so exciting to see believers gathering in the awareness of the power of their presence when they stand up for what they believe in. The question is; does God belong in the Public Square? The answer is yes! When we look at the capital of our nation; Washington D.C., we see the hand of God etched into walls and monuments all across our capital. Newt Gingrich has written a powerful book, Rediscovering God in America, which describes just a handful of national monuments: The Jefferson Memorial, The Lincoln Memorial, as well as others, that point to the existence of our Lord. As many are gathering in Pensacola to exercise what they believe in, hundreds of thousands are about to gather in Washington, D.C. to Awaken the Dawn. During October 6-9, fifty tents will be setup, each tent representing one of America’s 50 states. Visionary of Awaken the Dawn, David Bradshaw, discusses this awesome event with IHOP-KC’s Mike Bickle. This isn’t another concert or event where people show up to see other people get involved. No, you have a part to play. Bradshaw explains, “The difference between this gathering and many others, is that we’re inviting you to come and take your spot in the gatherings to help lead it.” If you play an instrument, bring it. If you know a worship team, invite them. You can register today for this awesome and exciting event that is soon to take place. These truly are exciting days to see believers rising up to respond for important moments like these. Hear the full story of what is taking place regarding Pensacola’s Bayview Cross, the full remarks from those in attendance, details on Biblical truth within just a few of the Monuments in Washington D.C., the full interview with David Bradshaw, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: rights, values, persecution, Hobby Lobby, The Green Family, abortionists, 1st Amendment of the Constitution, The Ten Commandments, The Supreme Court, The Bill of Rights, The U.S. Constitution, Newt Gingrich, Ears 2 Hear Hearing Center, North West Florida, The Upside of Florida, The Gulf Coast, The Emerald Coast, The Washington Monument, Rediscovering God in America, VFNKB, and government. John and Steve shared in this segment.
Cross Still Stands: Appeal in Motion- United Rally Makes the Difference
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