LISTEN NOW! (Or WATCH FULL PROGRAM!) There has been nothing more exciting and uplifting than the continual messages of hope and encouragement that are being shared during each of the speeches from President Trump since he has taken office. In a recent international trip, President Trump spoke to a massive crowd in Poland about the resiliency and endurance of the Polish people. As uplifting as his words are, some are comparing him to words of Former President Ronald Reagan.
“The story of Poland is the story of a people who have never lost hope, who have never been broken, and who have never, ever forgotten who they are.” As freedom is a value highly esteemed in America, President Trump expresses his awareness of the same values of each of the citizens in Poland. With this beauty of freedom being afforded in both countries, there is a shared understanding that freedom must be fought for and protected by any who threaten it. “We must work together to confront forces, whether they come from inside or out, from the South or the East, that threaten over time to undermine these values and to erase the bonds of culture, faith, and tradition that make us who we are.”
The values that we have the ability of exercising today was nothing of our own doing, but passed down to us by those who faithfully carried and guarded them during previous generations. President Trump highlighted the tremendous responsibility that lay before and what we must do so that we may be faithful as those who have gone before us were. “What we’ve inherited from our ancestors has never existed to this extent before. And, if we fail to preserve it, it will never ever exist again. So, we cannot fail.”
As the President continues to ask what will cause us to defend these cherished rights and freedoms, he continues to project hope over each of us, as well as the culture that we deeply love and respect. “Our values will prevail, our people will thrive, and our civilization will triumph. So, together, let us all fight like the Poles. For family, for freedom, for country, and for God.” These words are so inspirational and we must heed these encouraging words and resolve to stay steadfast to fight for that which our nations were built upon and the values they so deeply cherish.
There is such abundant favor that has come upon our Nation, and upon President Trump. God has shifted the world in the last 6 months. Nations around the world are taking note of America once again. Recently, at the G20 Summit in Germany, President of France, Emmanuel Macron went out of his way to navigate through a crowd of world leaders, to simply stand next to President Trump. It’s only been a couple of months since President Trump has taken his role within the Oval Office, and countries are being pushed aside to stand with America.
The words that we speak are so powerful! The President’s encouragement and uplifting truth should be words that are coming from the Church. We must recognize that we can shift and change culture for the Kingdom of God; for God’s glory. There are seven mountains in every culture: Media, Arts & Entertainment, Business, Family, Education, Religion, and Government. What are we saying over each of these areas as believers? You will surely be inspired as you hear the full speech from President Trump during his time in Poland, as well as how other leaders in the world are responding to President Trump, our ability to shift culture, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: President Donald Trump, The White House, Poland, France, Emmanuel Macron, G20 Summit, Vladimir Putin, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, faith, hope, love, 7 Mountains of Culture, VFN Kingdom Business, and Kingdom. Greg and John shared in this segment.
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