Hurricane Harvey’s Devastation in Texas – Operation Blessing Brings Great Resources & Volunteers
News crews and headlines have begun the transition to the devastating effects of Hurricane Irma in Florida, yet relief efforts are still an ongoing operation throughout Texas. Many are still without power and even without homes because of Hurricane Harvey. Operation Blessing is continuing to meet needs on the ground where people are still in need of the essentials. President of Operation Blessing, Bill Horan, shares about the devastation in Rockport, Texas, where Harvey made landfall. “The damage is so catastrophic, that it reminds us of big tornadoes where things are just completely ripped, houses blown off their foundations and nothing but slabs left.” Horan continues to describe the level of devastation that Harvey inflicted. “The scope of this disaster is beyond anything we’ve seen in recent years.”The effect that Operation Blessing is having on the ground couldn’t be possible without those who volunteer their time to help with the cleanup, as well as those who have given financially. The greatest thing that we can do in God’s Kingdom is to lay down our lives for others. Greg shared in this segment.
REVIVAL! Remembering the Wonders of the Lord! Stirring the Fires of Revival! Brownsville Revival
It is so encouraging to remember the exciting outpourings of the Lord and to also remind ourselves of the many words that God has revealed about what He still has yet to do. As many throughout America have prophesied about a coming outpouring of God’s Spirit, there are also those who have heard from the Lordoutside of America. Apostle Isaiah Kadiri is from Nigeria, and what he has been shown is a confirmation of what God is about to do. As Kadiri explains, he was shown a “mighty spinning wind” over Mobile Bay, in Mobile, Alabama. “In a few seconds the wind splitted into four, and one went Northward, Southward, Eastward, and Westward. It was ripping through the land, and God told me, ‘that’s the wind of the End Time Revival’”.
As Apostle Kadiri continues, he describes the move of discipleship that are taking place in order to prepare for this move of God. “Right now, there is a discipleship training that is going on, preparing the soldiers and the armies of the Lord to go through the land with the Gospel of fire and bring signs and wonders to our generation through the mighty move of the Holy Spirit that is getting ready to happen.” As we remember the exciting moves of God in history, we can turn our attention to the future and know that God will do greater things. Apostle Kadiri explains how God’s greatest move of His Spirit is about to take place. “United States of America, and brothers and sisters all over the world, Get Ready! The End Time Revival is going to be greater than the Azusa Street Revival!”
The Lord has also spoken to Pastor John Kilpatrick from Church of His Presence, in Daphne, Alabama. When sharing a prophetic word that the Lord gave him, he described what the Lord had spoken to him; “A phrase will be repeated over and over on the lips of many nations. You will hear it said, ‘I have never seen anything like this before’.” Pastor Kilpatrick continues to describe the lengths and distances that this move of God will reach. “This will not just be an American phenomenon; but it will touch all the continents.” This is so encouraging. It is as if the Lord is setting up the entire world for the coming harvest. God is even establishing the leadership in the land as President Trump has repeatedly voiced his bold stance alongside Israel. The Lord spoke again to Pastor Kilpatrick regarding the strategic placement of President Trump. “I have raised up Trump, and I am also giving him generals to help defend My people, the Jews; to keep them in their homeland.” These days are exceedingly exciting as we can see many of the words from the Lord coming to pass.
As we witness the many shakings throughout the Earth, they are a continual confirmation of the Lord’s soon return. The Lord revealed to Dr. Yonggi Cho how the Glory of God would move and increase before His Second Coming. In a dialogue with the Lord, Dr. Cho asked if the Lord was done with America. It was quite the opposite. When the Lord directed him to retrieve a map, Dr. Cho was guided to Pensacola, FL. As the story was detailed by Pastor John Kilpatrick, the Lord said, “I’m gonna pour out My Spirit here like a match head. It will burn like a match head. Bright and it will be powerful.” Dr. Cho was then shown how the Glory of God would move across America. “Then it will go over to the Mississippi River and it will back up across Florida again, come down into the Peninsula of Florida, go up the East Coast, down through the West and the South West, and shoot out through the North West; and before My coming, all of America will be ablaze with the Glory of God.”
Pastor John Kilpatrick is a man that understands the true labors and realities of revival as he personally witnessed the Lord carry out a mighty move of God during the Brownsville Revival that broke out on Father’s Day 1995. It was this beginning outpouring that was eventually felt in many nations of the world. God used Steve Hill as an evangelist to share the Wonders of the Lord to stir the faith of all of those who were present. Moments after Steve began to preach, everything changed. The Power of God fell. We need the Power of God.
We can literally witness the Earth shaking right now. Just as a woman can tell the timing of a coming baby by the frequency and the intensity of contractions, so we are witnessing the increasing frequency and contractions of shakings all across the Globe. We have to get to that place where we are no longer concerned about the things of the world but are desperate for the things of God. We are not waiting on God. God is waiting on us. You will be thoroughly encouraged in your spirit and your hunger for the Lord as you hear repeated testimonies of God’s words about the coming move of His Spirit, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Third Great Awakening, Apostle Isaiah Kadiri, Mobile Alabama, Bay of the Holy Spirit, The Glory Zone, The Gulf Coast, The Emerald Coast, Azusa Street Revival, the Glory of God, President Trump, Harry Truman, Israel, prophetic word, Holy Spirit, faith, and prayer. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.
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