LISTEN NOW! (Or WATCH FULL PROGRAM!) There is so much change taking place in America, we can quickly miss it and forget where we have come from. During the last administration, our previous president spoke at the United Nations proclaiming that we needed to forego some of our freedoms. “I am convinced that in the long run, giving up some freedom of action…binding ourselves to international rules, over the long term, enhances our security.”While these words were spoken during a United Nations General Assembly, we have also come to learn that there has been an unstoppable Communist – Muslim Voting Block that has greatly tipped the outcomes of votes on every topic regarding Israel. When we understand these important realities, we can better understand the powerful events that have recently been carried out by our leadership at the United Nations.
President Trump shared some of the highlights that took place during his meetings at the United Nations, as well as some of his powerful words towards the processes that the United Nations carries out. “We encourage the Secretary General [of the United Nations] to fully use his authority to cut through the bureaucracy, reform outdated systems, and make firm decisions to advance the U.N.’s core mission.” The amount of change that the President is carrying out is simply unprecedented. Prophetically the “J” in President Donald J. Trump stands for “Jehu”. Jehu was a man that God used during the time of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel, to change the leadership of the nation. He drained the swamp in Israel and put in a new leadership. We are seeing similar events being carried out in our generation, as well as in our nation.
These actions are also a testament to President Trump’s bold stance and support of Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. When President Trump sat down alongside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, there were continual words of encouragement shared. While President Trump expressed his overwhelming optimism regarding peace discussions regarding Palestinians, the Prime Minister highlighted the strength between our two nations. “I want to say that under your leadership, the alliance between America and Israel has never been stronger, never been deeper. I can say this in ways that people see and in ways that they don’t see.” The President also recently spoke on Israel’s celebration of their New Year. “Jewish communities across the country and around the world enter into a time of prayer, repentance, and rededication to the sacred values and traditions that guide the incredible character and spirit of the Jewish people.” This is such a mighty contrast to our former President that cannot be understated! During the many gatherings and meetings with United Nations leaders and world leaders, President Trump sat down with Latin American Leaders as well as members of his Cabinet to express his thanks and appreciation for all of their hard work, and the importance of their role as allies in the Western Hemisphere.
It is so beautiful to see grown-ups discussing world events with resolve, conviction, and decisiveness. There is such a mighty shift taking place around the world before our eyes. We cannot overlook what the Lord is doing! Be inspired as you begin to understand the context of what is taking place within our nation in regard to the United Nations, Israel, the world, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: The United Nations, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, North Korea, Venezuela, Nicholas Maduro, Latin America, Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, State of Israel, Jehu, hope, Barack Obama, Palestinians, Jewish New Year, hope and prayer. Greg and John shared in this segment.
screen capture from youtube.com/The White House
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