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Top Ten Places to Work in 2017


As more and more jobs are being created, the question is: where is the best place to work? Entrepreneur.com has recently released the Top 10 Places to Work in 2017. Topping the charts is “Bain & Company” at #1. “You get the opportunity to solve the toughest problems that executive teams and private equity firms face.”Is what one employee said about the company. Next on the list is Facebook. “From its openness to its diversity, Facebook has truly surpassed all tech companies in terms of culture, perks and employee lifestyle” is how one employee describes this tech giant. 

Number four on the list is another tech leader, Google. “Google epitomizes why I love technology and the tech industry. Useful products, smart people, data-driven decisions and culture, a mission I can feel good about when I go to sleep every night. This is as good as it gets.” Changing pace is number seven, a company outside of the tech industry, In-N-Out Burger. “Company that actually cares about employees. Very professional and constructive atmosphere. Always busy so have something to do constantly” were the words used by one employee to describe the company. Continue Reading…


Courtesy of best pixels/Shutterstock.com


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