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Persecution of the Church: Who Goes First?


Can you imagine being put in jail for the solitary reason of simply being a follower of Jesus Christ? It is the very reality of persecution that reveals what is inside of us. Imagine being able to sit down and talk to the very people that have endured tremendous persecution for the cause of Christ. Francis Chan was just the conversations and the experience is beyond memorable for him. In 2007, a group of Korean missionaries traveled to Afghanistan to spread the Gospel. It was during this trip that 22 were taken hostage by the Taliban. This was the reality that Chan was able to get a personal perspective on what happened.

It’s one thing to know that you may be killed, but it’s another to be in a group of Christians who have been taken hostage and begin seeing your brothers and sisters being killed one by one. “The last day they were together, one of the gals still had a Bible on her…she ripped it into 23 pieces and they passed it to one another so they could each have a little scripture. Whenever you have a free moment, look at the scripture and get yourself encouraged.” Can you imagine the dialogue and conversation between them? Each of them begin surrendering their lives to whatever God wanted to do. Continue Reading…

Courtesy of Photosebia/Shutterstock.com


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