“My R.O.I. is the Y.O.U.”, 15-Year-Old Business Millionaire, Jaylon Bledsoe, is redefining Success and Wealth in Business
It is such an admirable goal to want to be the CEO of your own company. But, can you imagine achieving this goal as a teenager AND being a millionaire!? Jaylen Bledsoe is the CEO and President of his company, Bledsoe Technologies, and he has acquired a wealth of wisdom along the way. When interviewed in St. Louis, he shares about the overview of his company ranging from website design to I.T. Consulting.
“I was 12-13 years old when it got started as an L.L.C. in 2012.” Understanding that this journey can’t be achieved on his own, Bledsoe gives credit to his mentor that advised him to, “take risks. There’s nothing that you can do as a minor that will shoot you down for too long. Because your young, you can jump back up and keep going.” Bledsoe has also worked with other young entrepreneurs to help each other with their ideas and goals. At the time of being interviewed, Bledsoe shared that he will soon be working with hotels on a project. He plans on attending business school at Harvard.
2017 is the year of breakthrough and Jaylen Bledsoe is proving that breaking through mindsets is a reality. We are blessed to be a blessing for others. This entrepreneurial value is the cornerstone of what has been witnessed through the Green Family and their company, Hobby Lobby. The Green family has just recently launched the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C. This is the essence of what business is all about; understanding that success is in helping others succeed and giving back.
As media headlines have responded to the business success displayed in Jaylen’s life, namely his achievement of creating a company valued at more than $3 Million, he recently shared that this is not what is goals are focused upon. He points out that this valuation became public when he simply responded to a question during an interview. “The world has made that interview, who I am. They’ve made that net worth and that valuation, my title, and my introduction. They’ve looked to make me prideful of that number.” As he continues, “I never said it to brag, or to flaunt the numbers.” He addresses the heart of the issue and points out how money is not his highest goal. Following Jesus is. “I have to understand that the one who chases after money, and teaches money, is teaching the wrong thing. They’re following the wrong thing.”
Money has nothing to do with his purpose. “Being for someone when they need me. That’s God’s purpose.” Many business men and women throughout the world are well aware of R.O.I.: The Return on Investment. How quickly will I get my investment returned to me? When some would be focused on the value of dollars, Bledsoe is focused on the value of people. In his own words, he says, “I don’t care about the return on investment being money or more marketing, or more dollars in the end. My R.O.I. is the YOU.” This is such an inspiration for those who have a desire to be involved in business and to be reminded what the true purpose of business is: others.
This is such an encouraging reminder about the values of life and how we can live our lives for the betterment of others. True wealth is the depth of relationships in our lives. Be encouraged as you see the entire interview with Jaylen Bledsoe, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: others focused, cultivating authentic relationships, VFN Kingdom Business, Bledsoe Technologies, encouragement, hope, and pursuing your dreams. John and Steve shared in this segment.
Overcoming the Lies of the Enemy Starts with Knowing Who You are in the Eyes of God! Nick Vuijicic shares remarkable reality of hope and purpose
How many times do we find ourselves focusing on the barriers around us and settling to believe that we cannot overcome that “hand that we have been dealt in life”? Do we resort to excuses, or do we hold on to the fact that God’s plan and purpose for our life is good? For Nick Vujicic, he held on to God’s plan and purpose for his life. Nick was born with no arms…and no legs. The enemy lies to everyone of us, and Nick was no different. If we don’t know what God says about us, we will have no ammunition of truth to fight against the lies of the devil.
As Vujicic shares, he presents this startling question asking for arms and legs; “What would you rather have: arms and legs, or peace in your soul? Arms and legs, or purpose? Arms and legs, or eternal life and the knowledge of truth?” As Vujicic sees it, eternal life is the victor. As he laughingly points out, “arms and legs are going to give me arthritis later on anyway”. Everything changes when we know who we are in Christ.
He speaks to the young teenage girls in the room. “You don’t need a boyfriend to feel loved. You’re royalty. Your dad is the King of kings and the Lord of lords.” The world lines up to present us with things that only God can provide. “If you put your happiness in temporary things, your happiness will be temporary. I don’t want temporary things. I want the truth.” It was the paradigm of truth that changed Nick’s life forever. “The truth was, when I submitted my life to God, and said, ‘God, take my sins. Forgive me. I don’t want to live my life. I don’t want to live in sin. I don’t want my plan. I want your plan.’”
This is such a profound understanding for all of us to remember and remind ourselves each and every day. For those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, we need to be reminded about who we are IN Christ, each and every day. You are extremely valuable. You have purpose. You are one of a kind. We may not know what tomorrow holds, but we can be encouraged when we know Who holds tomorrow.
Be reminded about the good plans that God has for you and how valuable you are in God’s sight as you hear the full comments from Nick Vujicic as well as the reminder to know who you are in Christ, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Holy Spirit, faith, hope, love, identity, the Father’s love, life is a vapor, eternity is forever, does God love me?, how do I know that God loves me?, temporary things, and eternal peace. John and Steve shared in this segment.
FDA Approves First-Ever Digestible Microchip? Health and Healthcare, Why does Mankind want to Live Forever?
As technology continues to advance and develop, it is getting faster and faster, and smaller and smaller. Compared to the day when computers were first developed, it is amazing to see how much computing speed can fit in the palm of your hand. But, would anyone ever had imagined digestible technology? You read that right, the FDA has approved technology that your body is able to digest.
When Mashable asks the question of how doctors can verify that medication is being taken, they point to microchips, wait for it….on medication. “It’s a seriously tiny square of silicon. About the size of a grain of sand. And, there’s no battery required, because, you’re the battery.” So how does it work? As the report continues, “the signal is transmitted to a wearable patch, and from there, to a cell phone.” So, what exactly is being “tracked”? “The patch tracks things like heart rate, activity, and rest patterns.” The main focus is the doctor’s surety that their patients are taking their medication.
It’s amazing how much privacy is being surrendered in the name of healthcare. So much technology is outside of our body. The question being asked is, ‘why not put it inside your body?’. The more that technology advances, the more privacy that we are losing. We are going to live forever. This life is temporary, and then eternity. The question is, why do you want to live longer? What is your purpose for living? We begin to live our lives differently when we understand that how we live will determine how we spend eternity.
Revelation 13 clearly describes the days that we are living in. The Mark of the Beast is all about the economy, as no man will be able to ‘buy or sell’ without it. Be informed as you see this technology first-hand, and hear the full conversation about the importance of living, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: advancing technology, technology in health care, digestible microchip, Mark of the Beast, End Times, are these the End of Days?, what is the Mark of the Beast?, and wisdom. John and Steve shared in this segment.
VFNtv’s Unofficial Field Reporter, Hananya Naftali, Reveals Reality of Hamas and Palestinian lies about Peace Proclamations with Israel
If someone were asked about their perspective of Israel, would they genuinely have a personal perspective about Israel, or would it be a regurgitated answer based from a sound byte of what the International community says about Israel? This is so important. In order to know what is happening in Israel, it is vital that we understand what is happening from the perspective of those that LIVE in Israel. As our unofficial field reporter from Israel, Hananya Naftali shares that perspective. As a Messianic Believer, and an IDF Veteran, Naftali understands, first-hand, many of the realities that are taking place in Israel.
As Israel and the Palestinian Authority have been going back and forth regarding negotiations for peace for decades, Naftali shares details on some of the most recent developments. Instead of signing an agreement with Israel, the Palestinian Authority has signed an agreement with Hamas. As Naftali describes, “Hamas is a terror organization. Hamas publicly announced they won’t recognize the State of Israel and that they want to wipe Israel off the map.” To give context to the situation, revealing the depth of deception that is being portrayed, Naftali points out how Mahmoud Abbas recently spoke to the International community at the United Nations, and his desire for peace in the region. Naftali continues to point out that the only mission of Hamas is to destroy Israel, “even at the cost of innocent Gazans.”
It cannot be understated that we cannot fall prey to the messages of the International community regarding Israel, and matters involving Israel. It is imperative that we continue to pray for the peace and safety of Israel, and be educated with truth about the events taking place within Israel. See the full story of what is happening in Israel, how Hamas uses resources meant for the Palestinian people, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: the IDF, Israeli Defense Forces, Hananya Naftali, Israel, pray for Israel, President Mahmoud Abbas, and truth. John and Steve shared in this segment.