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Home » WATCH! Jim Bakker Warns of Sudden Nuclear Attack; CDC Prepares for Nuclear Attack; and Will Kentucky be first state with no Abortion?

WATCH! Jim Bakker Warns of Sudden Nuclear Attack; CDC Prepares for Nuclear Attack; and Will Kentucky be first state with no Abortion?


Will There Be a “Suddenly” regarding a Nuclear Attack from North Korea? Prophetic Warning from Jim Bakker; How Do We Prepare from a Nuclear Attack?
On more than one occasion, voices are sharing that the Lord has shown them of a coming nuclear attack. Jim Bakker is one of these voices as he shares a prophetic word for 2018. He shares what the Lord revealed to him, that things will happen “SUDDENLY”. He continues to share his perspective of what we are witnessing take place on the face of the Earth. “I believe with all my heart that the beginning of sorrows has already started.”  Bakker continues to read from Matthew 24:7, the words of Jesus that describe the events that will unfold in these days. “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.” Simply put, these are the days that are happening in our present world. Daily headlines around the world confirm these words.
Bakker continues to share about the devastating capabilities that North Korea presently has. “North Korea is capable of everything that our enemies have done in the past, all together.” He also points out, what he believes the Lord has shown him regarding the upcoming Olympic games that are being hosted in Pyeong Chang, South Korea. “[North Korea] is planning a major, major event in the Olympics that will bring terror to this world…” These words are very important as we have also shared prophetic words from Dumitri Duduman and what he was shown regarding China and Russia. Rick Wiles has also shared similar words of what the Lord has spoken to him about the threat that North Korea has with its nuclear capabilities.
As multiple prophetic words have been shared about a nuclear attack from North Korea, according to WND, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC, is presently preparing for a nuclear attack. Considering the preparations that are being carried out, Kim Jong-un reportedly boasts that “The United States should know that the button for nuclear weapons is on my table”. These threats were also shown to Isaiah Ramos by the Lord. All of these prophetic words line up with what is taking place.
God is speaking to us prophetically. We need to pray that this doesn’t happen and heed these warnings. Praying is a way that we can respond, but we must also prepare if such a devastating attack were to take place. See the full conversation about what has been shown regarding North Korea, how to prepare for a nuclear attack, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Barack Obama, Joe Biden, America’s #1 threat, North Korea, 2018 Olympic Winter Games, prophecy, prophetic words, Holy Spirit, The Jim Bakker Show, Jim Bakker, Rick Wiles, Dumitri Duduman, The White House, The Secret Service, the beginning of sorrows, suddenlies, and a dirty bomb. Greg and John shared in this segment. 
PROPHECY! “Your Suddenly Is Coming If You Trust Me”, Cindy Jacobs Shares Mighty Word of Encouragement
Sometimes it seems that the way things are is the way things will always be. But this is not the case with the Lord. He is the God of suddenlies, and in a moment, things can change on a dime. In times of difficulty, we must trust God and know that He is faithful. Recently Cindy Jacobs shared a powerful prophetic word of hope. Sometimes we wonder if God knows what is happening in our present situation. The words that Jacobs shares are simply inspiring. “The Lord says ‘I know you’re going through trials. I know you’re going through a season where you don’t know what to do. So, I would say, children, if you trust me, I promise’, says the Lord, ‘that you will have your breakthrough.’” Speaking under the unction of the Lord, she continues; “I will do a suddenly. Where from one day to the next, it seems as if you cannot hear Me, you don’t know what to do. But the Lord says, I will come and do what you asked, because the Lord says, you will have your suddenly.”
God is shifting the world! Giants are coming down. Your breakthrough is coming. God is hearing your prayers and answering many others’ prayers as well. Hear the full prophetic word from Cindy Jacobs, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Holy Spirit, General International, prophetic word, hope, encouragement, and prayer. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Is Kentucky About to Be the First ABORTION FREE STATE?!?!?
At the end of every one of our programs we share these words, “God end abortion, send revival, send a Third Great Awakening”. When we look at what is happening, we can see clearly how God is responding more and more to our prayers. Kentucky may be the first state in America with NO abortion clinics. According to Charisma News, “Last year, the state shut down another EMW abortion clinic in Lexington after discovering that the clinic was masquerading as a doctor’s office and was performing abortions without a license”. As the report continues, “A federal judge is expected to make a decision in the case by the end of the month”. Pray for the judge that is presiding over this specific case in Kentucky. Kentucky is not the only state with one single abortion clinic. Reportedly, “Kentucky, Mississippi, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Missouri and West Virginia are the only states with a single standing abortion clinic left”.
There are so many clinics around the nation to be able to help women with their health care needs, we do not need clinics open that carry out abortions. Events like this and the investigative word of David Daleiden, and his team at Center for Medical Progress, highlight what the Lord is doing in response to our prayers to end abortion, and the shedding of innocent blood in America. We must continue to pray that abortion would not only end in Kentucky, but in the entire 50 states of America! See the full conversation about what is taking place within Kentucky, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Planned Parenthood, David Daleiden, The Center for Medical Progress, innocent bloodshed, Third Great Awakening, Fed Ex, Fed Ex flight pattern, and revival. Greg and John shared in this segment. 

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