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Home » 5th Time Olympian; Olympic Snowboarder Kelly Clark’s Planned Suicide, but…

5th Time Olympian; Olympic Snowboarder Kelly Clark’s Planned Suicide, but…


LISTEN NOW! Or WATCH FULL PROGRAM! As many around the nation and the world are watching the Winter Olympic Games unfold in Pyeong Chang, South Korea, many different athletes are demonstrating phenomenal talents. For those who are familiar with the sport of snowboarding, the name of Kelly Clark is a recognizable name. As a professional snowboarder, men, in the same sport, acknowledge that Kelly’s ability far surpasses their own abilities. “Kelly goes bigger than a lot of guys in half pipe. She goes bigger than I go in half pipe. That’s for sure.”

Clark’s talents have definitely put her ahead of the curve as she won the Olympic Gold in 2002 at Salt Lake City when she was only 18 years old. “I was living the dream…Every kid that dreams of being a pro snowboarder, I had it made.” Everything may have appeared to be glamour and success on the outside, but what was happening on the inside for Kelly was just the opposite. “On the inside, I wasn’t really satisfied because no matter what I did, nothing was fulfilling me, even all the success that I could strive for.” It was this desperation of emptiness that went on for two years.

At the end of herself, Clark simply couldn’t take it anymore. As she was writing in her journal, she expressed her intentions for her life even though she appeared so ‘successful’. “I was writing about…if I didn’t wake up tomorrow…I was fine with that, and I didn’t think anybody cared about me. And, I didn’t think anybody would care if I didn’t wake up tomorrow.” This couldn’t be all that there was for her. “I was writing about, if this was what life was, like if that’s what it was, like, I was done with life.” What she didn’t know was that she was about to get the hope she was searching for.

In the middle of a competition, Clark saw another competitor fall. That competitor encouraged her with these powerful words; “That’s alright. God still loves you.” Clark shares how this rocked her thinking. “Just hearing that statement gave me this hope that God loves you. Maybe God loves me.” After finding out where the girl was who said this, Clark visited her. “Hey, my name is Kelly. I think you might be a Christian and I think you need to tell me about God.” Clark continues to share how what she heard totally contradicted what she thought being a Christian was all about.

Maybe that’s you. You’ve been thinking about ending your life because the things have become too much for you. Or, what you thought would fulfill you ended up being empty and hollow. God has a plan for your life. You are not alone. You can make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life and know the fullness of having a relationship with Him. Do you have a testimony of how Jesus Christ has changed your life? We want to hear from you. See the full encounter that Clark shares and so much more.

Also shared in this segment: Olympic Games, Kelly Clark, Professional Snowboarding, testimony, relationship with Jesus Christ, 2002 Winter Olympics, Salt Lake City, 2018 Olympic Games, Pyeong Chang South Korea, Women’s Snowboarding, Men’s Snowboarding, is life worth it? is this all there is to life? does it really matter? who is God? what is success? and hope. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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