LISTEN NOW! Or WATCH FULL PROGRAM! Some people are shocked and surprised when life hands us the difficulties of reality. What do we do in these moments? Where and who do we turn to? Where does our strength come from? When Lisa Bevere was recently speaking to a gathering of women, she shared some deeply inspiring wisdom on what it takes to rise above these seasons of adversity.
Bevere points to a study that reveals what it takes to endure. “It is called grit.” More specifically, she shares, “they have found out that people who have ‘gritty’ behaviors, or ‘the grit factor’, will actually succeed more than people that are intelligent, more than people that are rich.” Bevere also points out how there is a difference between a ‘grit factor’ of the world and supernatural ‘grit’. “You’re going to have to operate by faith; and you’re gonna have to know who you are, and you’re gonna have to know how God prepares you.”
This is very powerful and important. It’s not just intelligence, it is the training of the seasons that prepares. We must stick, stay, and stand, even when life stinks. In our present generation, people claim to say that if something is difficult, then it must not be God. Go back and revisit what the Lord has spoken over you. Declare it. Decree it and walk by faith with your hope set upon Jesus Christ.
Does this encourage you? How does this strengthen you to endure adversity? We want to hear from you. See the full wisdom from Lisa Bevere, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: character, trials, difficulties, what am I supposed to do? what do I do now? Lisa Bevere, overcoming difficulty, enduring hardship, character, process, “the grit factor”, and hope. Greg and John shared in this segment.
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