Did you know that God is into your success? God wants you to be successful? During an insightful conversation about business, vision and leadership, Pastor Steven Furtick sat down with Bishop T. D. Jakes to discuss Jakes’s new book Soar!: Build Your Vision from the Ground Up. In their discussion, Bishop Jakes talks about the importance of understanding the times and seasons that you are living in to carry out the plans and goals that you are desiring. As Bishop Jakes explains, the way people work has changed as we have progressed from the agricultural age to the information age. “Now we are in an era where people my age send their kids to school because we train them to think ‘a job’.” Bishop Jakes continues, “And we said that if you go to school and get a good education, you’re gonna come out and you’re gonna get a great job and that was true when I was coming up.” This is where we must understand that things have changed, and we can no longer carry the same mindsets. This is where Bishop Jakes asks the pointed question that many are facing. “The question then becomes how do we, with our education and our disappointment, living in our mother’s house sleeping on the couch, eating cereal at noon, retool ourselves so that we can be functional in the 21st Century?” Presently, when students complete their college education, college career centers are preparing them by giving the advice to put their resume on LinkedIn. This is happening in Universities across the nation. It is times like these that we must be like the men of Issachar. As 1 Chronicles 12:32 describes them as “men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do”. Presently, many people are using last season’s technologies with today’s problems and realizing it’s not working. Have you felt that you have missed your season? Do you have a question about how to launch your vision or life’s goals in today’s realities? We want to hear from you. Share your comments on how you are making the transition from education to applying what you have learned. See the full conversation on this important matter, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: college tuition, college education, college bills, student loans, how do I pay off my student loan debt? how do I find a job? LinkedIn, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Pastor Steven Furtick, wisdom, and seasons. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Courtesy of Bas Meelker/shutterstock com Bas Meelker
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The Men of Isachaar 1 Chronicles 12:32
Soar!: Build Your Vision from the Ground Up
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The Men of Isachaar 1 Chronicles 12:32
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