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Home » WATCH! Success It’s a Mind Game: Ohio Center for Sports Psychology Mental Skills for Success Part 2

WATCH! Success It’s a Mind Game: Ohio Center for Sports Psychology Mental Skills for Success Part 2




Success It’s a Mind Game: Ohio Center for Sports Psychology Mental Skills for Success Part 2

If you knew the secret to success, would you want it? Yes! The secret to success is your mind! Success is a mind game. If you can’t win in your mind, then you can’t win anywhere else! Winning is a matter of your mind and your thoughts. We look at sports figures to see how we can be successful in our lives by what we think. This is necessary for your success!

“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…” Proverbs 23:7

You win in your mind, or you lose in your mind. This is why it is important what you speak over your children. They need to hear positive things spoken to them, and you should speak blessings and destiny over them! You will be surprised how this can change your child’s life as they have words of life spoken over them. Help your children reach their destiny!

This is Part Two of Success it’s a Mind Game, and we continue with mental skills that athletes use from Ohio Center for Sports Psychology. These are mental skills that anyone can use! The fourth mental skill is to deal effectively with people. No matter how successful you are, you cannot do it alone. We all need people around us, and we need the skill of how to deal with people the right way. As a leader, business owner, you need to share your vision with your team and communicate with your team. Build them up and inspire them to carry your vision out! Dealing effectively with people is a God thing because in the Bible it says; however, we treat people is how we treat God. Many times, people get skipped over for a job or lose their business because they can’t deal with people! As an employee, if you work effectively with people and you help other people succeed while meeting the needs of the business, you are the future leader in that company. If you do have trouble dealing with people, recognize that you need people for your business to be successful, and know that Jesus loves people. He loves you, and you are called to love and care for other people too!

The fifth mental skill is to use positive self-talk! It may sound basic, but it is not at all. You may need to ask those around you to see if you are positive in what you speak. Speaking positively is not only for your success but as a believer, we are called to impact others as we bring light into our conversations, which can only be done by staying positive. How do you speak to yourself in your mind? You need to write things down that are true things that God says about you. Write down your vision so that you can remind yourself of why you are doing what you are doing. Greg shares that he recorded what God says about him and what God has shown him that will take place. He listens to this to remind him of who he is and why he is doing what he is doing! We all need positive self-talk. Summarize what God has shown you so that you can have a short reminder of what He has said so you can quickly be reminded and empowered to stay positive. It will help you to prepare and make good decisions to keep moving towards your vision. Speaking God’s Word over yourself will not return void! Memorizing God’s Word leads to meditation, and meditation leads to it manifesting in your life!

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” Joshua 1:8 ESV

The sixth mental skill is to use positive mental imagery. According to The Conversation, Nicole Forrester, a Canadian high jumper, says, “As an Olympian, imagery was one of the mental skills I relied on the most. In my preparation for competition, I would spend hours envisioning what I wanted to execute and how it should feel. I would even create bad scenarios that could occur, feeling the pressure and discomfort, and rehearse what my appropriate response would be. When it was time to compete, I felt ready for any and every situation. This was easily the hardest area of my preparation but something critical to perform well when it counted most.” This is important because if you can’t see it, then you can’t have it! Visualizing what you need to do has been proven to bring you success.

As reported by Conover Life Skills, Judd Blaslotto, who is a University of Chicago researcher, wanted to prove a theory about mental rehearsal and visualization. He took three groups of students to find out how many basketball free throws they could make. The three groups practiced for 30 days. Group one practiced every day for one hour, group two visualized making free throws, and group three did nothing. The results were that group one improved by 24%, group two by 23%, and group three did not improve at all. So just by visualizing group two met success almost the exact same success as physically practicing!

This takes practice so you must see yourself doing what you need to do, and the more you can see it, the more you will be able to do it! As you begin to see yourself being successful, your faith will line up! The universe is designed by God to respond to bold unwavering faith!

The seventh mental skill is to manage anxiety effectively. Things will happen in our life that will rock our faith, but we can’t give in! You must not give in to the spirit of fear as the Bible tells us to be anxious for nothing. God is in control, and we need to trust Him with every outcome. Also, as you begin to focus on other people, you will realize that your fear begins to leave because fear causes you to look inward but as you think of others above yourself that fear will be gone!

The eighth mental skill is to manage your emotions effectively. Everything that happens to you, you first have an emotion about it. Ask yourself what you are feeling right now, and why? Manage your mood because it can get you going in the wrong direction and can affect your destiny. Get in a good mood, having your emotions in the right place, by having the right thoughts!

To find out what the ninth mental skill is and more join the VFNKB Community HERE to watch! Do you have any mental skills to add to the list? We want to hear from you! Write to us in the VFNKB Community or at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Image courtesy of Conover Life Skills

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