“In God, We Trust” Motto BACK IN SCHOOLS LAW, FL State Rep. Kim Daniels
So many victories and breakthroughs are happening throughout the nation that it is difficult to keep up with all that God is doing. One of the recent breakthroughs is a bill that has been presented by Florida Democratic Representative, Kimberly Daniels. According to Charisma News, because of Rep. Daniels’ actions, “every school and administrative building in the state of Florida must prominently display the words “In God We Trust” is now moving through the state’s legislature.”
This is such a joyous moment to recognize. In the previous season, individuals were running for the leadership while proclaiming statements along the lines of ‘religious fundamental beliefs have to change.’ This is not a party issue; this is a righteous issue. God has heard our prayers, and He is responding. We cannot simply sit back and wonder how these events will unfold. We need to get behind our leaders, such as Florida Representative Daniels, call our Senator and Representative, and recommend that they stand behind this bill and vote for it.
It is so encouraging to see how our Educational System is affected by those who want to bring the Bible into our schools. If we don’t like what leadership is doing, we can vote for those who align with the values that are important to us. See the full story of what is taking place in Florida, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Education Mountain, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, State of Florida School System, Representative Kimberly Daniels, House of Representative, the Senate, voting, values, prayer, and hope. Greg and John shared in this segment.
JOY VILLA, GRAMMY DRESS, PRO-LIFE, Painted her baby Picture on it!
God has given each and every one of us a voice that we can use to voice to others what is important to us. It is very encouraging to see others use the platform that God gives them to share positive values. When singer Joy Villa recently attended the Grammy’s, she used the opportunity of the red carpet to express her beliefs of pro-life. Some may wonder how she accomplished this by simply walking down the red carpet.
When Villa spoke with Fox & Friends, she shares that, “last night I wore my dress…it showed a picture of a fetus, and this painting I painted on my dress; it’s one that I painted ten years ago and I recreated it on my dress.” Not only did her dress express her values of being pro-life, but also her handbag. “My purse, this is the purse that says, ‘Choose Life’. So, I chose to represent a choose life, pro-life message on the Grammy’s red carpet.” Villa continues to share her personal story of how she gave up her child for adoption that caused her to be pro-life. “I really wanted to show my values on that carpet…”
This is such a powerful display as so many want to show off their bodies at this moment; Villa wants to show off life. Life is such an important topic. Scientific studies are already beginning to confirm that what is in a mother’s womb is much more than ‘tissue,’ but in fact life. Generations from now, people will look back on the horrifying realities of abortion the same we look at slavery. There was a day that people reasoned that slavery was acceptable. Today, people are doing the same regarding abortion. Does this matter encourage you to know that celebrities are standing up for life? Share your thoughts with us. We want to hear from you. See the full conversation about the importance of life, the power of your vote, the nations throughout the world that perform abortions, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Joy Villa, Fox & Friends, slavery, abortion, pro-life, and hope. Greg and John shared in this segment.
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Did you know that you were created to be successful? With that being said, success does take hard work. In the process of striving for your dreams, you may have lost your hope or your dream itself. When speaking to a graduating class, Denzel Washington shares some insightful wisdom that may get you back on the track you want to.
“…Have dreams, but have goals; life goals, yearly goals, monthly goals, daily goals.” As Washington continues, it is the continual application of discipline in order to achieve the goals that we set for ourselves. “In order to achieve your goals, you must apply discipline…and consistency.” He continues with the simple statement: “hard work works.”
Does this encourage you? How has hard work benefited you? Share with us the goals that you have; the goals that you have implemented in your life to get you where you are today. See the full speech from Denzel Washington as he inspires the next generation of leaders, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: #SuccessSecrets, inspiration, hope, determination, values, character, integrity, leadership, and encouragement. Greg and John shared in this segment.
In our busy lives we can get caught up in the daily routines of life assuming that we are making progress. When speaking to a graduating class, Denzel Washington shares some inspiring wisdom that activity isn’t always the benchmark that we need to be looking at.
“Remember, just because you’re doing a lot more, doesn’t mean you’re getting a lot more done. Don’t confuse movement with progress.” This is so vital to understanding as we are climbing the ‘proverbial’ ladder to success. Many are reaching the top realizing that they have reached the top of a wall that they do not want to be on. You need to know your values. You need to know that what you are doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow.
How does this encourage you? What wisdom has God revealed to you that has helped you navigate the distractions of your daily routine? Share with us what encourages you to achieve your life’s goals. See the full speech from Denzel Washington, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Value Based Vision Management, VBVM, inspiration, life success, blessed to be a blessing, and hope. Greg and John shared in this segment.