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WATCH! Prophetic Words for 2018 from Pastor John Kilpatrick


PROPHECY! DIVINE INTERRUPTIONS IN 2018 – Pastor John Kilpatrick  
When we hear an encouraging word, it is continually inspiring when we able to do the same when we share it with others. Pastor John Kilpatrick has shared many prophetic words and lives have been greatly impacted by what Holy Spirit has revealed to him. During a particular transition that Greg Lancaster was carrying out in his life, Pastor Kilpatrick shared a prophetic word with Greg that kept him going through the entire transition. As the year of 2018 has now begun, Pastor Kilpatrick has recently shared numerous prophetic words over this year.
As Pastor Kilpatrick begins to share, he shares how the Spirit of the Lord woke him up and said, “tell My people that 2018 is going to be the year of divine interruptions”. According to Webster, interruption means: to stop or hinder by breaking; to yield to a higher priority; to stop the execution of a plan… Pastor Kilpatrick continues, “I want to say to you that the Lord said to me, ‘tell My people I am going to break in! They are going to yield to a higher authority! I am going to stop the execution of the plans of the enemy!’”
For those who have brought the baggage and memories of last year into this this year, Pastor Kilpatrick continues to speak under the unction of the Lord. “I am going to break the continuity of last year. It will not pick up this year! It’s broken off from last year!” While there have been plenty of voices speaking out their opinions about what is happening upon the Earth, God is bringing about His plans. “What they have been saying is wrong. What they have been saying is Anti-Word, Anti-Christ, Anti-God, and God says I’m going to rise up and let My Word and My mind be known in situations…their voice will be stilled mid-sentence.”
Do you remember where we came from? There have been countless events that transpired that we have wished someone would have interrupted things. God has turned situations around for He has heard our prayers. It’s time to be delivered and set free from the attacks of fear! God will interrupt the plans of the enemy! Don’t define this season by your past season. Be encouraged as you hear the entire prophetic word from Pastor John Kilpatrick, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: prophecy, prophetic words, Holy Spirit, abortion, marriage, values, media, truth, blasphemies, Anti-Christ rhetoric, hope, and freedom. Greg and John shared in this segment.
PROPHECY! EPIC EVENTS AWAIT 2018 – Pastor John Kilpatrick
As we begin this new year, many voices have shared prophetic words about what the Lord has revealed to them about certain events of this year. Pastor John Kilpatrick has recently shared similar words about what the Lord has shown him.
“The Lord declares that carefully laid plans that conflict with His time will come to an abrupt end. The Lord has risen up and charted a different course than any of us has ever seen before. EPIC EVENTS AWAIT!” We can only imagine the events that will bring about the type of change that Pastor Kilpatrick begins to describe. “Whirlwinds of change are going to sweep the continents. Governing bodies and those who rule will wring their hands when they realize they no longer can control or withstand those that they have governed.”
When we look at change, we tend to believe that it requires a certain amount of time to bring about that transformation. As Pastor Kilpatrick continues, this will not be the case, in this season. “The Lord is shortening the days. The normal course of things have been changed and the Lord said they will not return to normal again.” As Pastor Kilpatrick describes the story of Haman, in the book of Esther, what the enemy doesn’t know is that the enemy is the one that will fall into the trap that he set. “Let it be known that any attempt to change laws, put laws on the books, or establish written contrary covenant against God’s people, Israel, will face swift retribution.” Pastor Kilpatrick continues, “the confusion that you see today, in this nation, is only at the beginning stages. This confusion will increase until every continent will be effected by it”.
It’s okay when the world is in chaos. God’s people are not called to live in chaos. Your peace will be a sign to the unbeliever that God is bigger; that they need to be saved; and to come to Jesus Christ. We need to know the voice of the Lord and spend time abiding with Him. The most important thing we can do in a shaking world, is to spend time with Jesus Christ. See the full prophetic word, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: prophecy, prophetic words, Holy Spirit, Pastor John Kilpatrick, encouragement, faith, hope, and confusion. Greg and John shared in this segment.
As we begin this new year, Pastor John Kilpatrick has recently shared numerous prophetic words that the Lord has revealed to him about this year of 2018.  When God shares a prophetic word for you, you will get the prophet’s word when you receive the word.
As Pastor Kilpatrick begins to share about this year, he shares, “this will be a year of paradox. You will see demolition and construction. You will see decisions made, and almost as quickly as they are made, they will be rescinded”. While the world will witness leaders rising to power, some may be surprised as to how long they remain in positions of leadership. God is interrupting events just as Jesus spoke to the storm from the boat, when the disciples were afraid for their lives. “Neither will you know the outcome and plans that have been made against you because even this night, I am interrupting things in your behalf!”
Those that may find themselves with newborn babies, may also find themselves on the receiving end of a bad report regarding their baby. But, do not lose hope. God knows exactly what you need. Pastor John Kilpatrick continues to share this powerful prophetic word. “In 2018, the Lord said I am going to interrupt premature death…I will return sons to their mothers again…daughters will be returned from death’s sleep, such as comas and life support to those believing for a miracle.” It is these very miracles that will cause many to come to the Lord.
Pastor John Kilpatrick also shares how the Book of Acts details the series of events that took place when Peter was released from prison, even while the Church was praying for his release. “Likewise, this will be a year of interrupted praying. The answer will be so fast. I will make a quick work. Even the seed sown in the ground will be accelerated, for the Lord said the plowman shall overtake the reaper.”
Pastor Kilpatrick continues to describe how the events of this year will be the realization of what has been declared from generations past. “This is the beginning of what the prophets of old declared. This will be a whirlwind year of confirmations, and fulfillments of ancient Scripture. It will be such a whirlwind year, there will be brief pauses so that you might digest the enormity of my faithfulness! Say NOT that there are four months and then the harvest. NO! THE HARVEST IS HERE NOW! BE PREPARED FOR TIME CHANGE!”
These days have been like a whirlwind and it has taken the grace of the Lord just to digest all that God has been doing and continuing to do in our midst. Be encouraged as you see the full prophetic words from Pastor John Kilpatrick, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: prophecy, prophetic words, Holy Spirit, Pastor John Kilpatrick, encouragement, faith, hope, the harvest, harvest time, acceleration, prophetic confirmations, fulfillment of prophecy, and the sower. Greg and John shared in this segment.
When we hear a prophetic word from the Lord, we have the opportunity to agree with it, and receive it for our lives, if it applies to us. Pastor John Kilpatrick recently shared numerous prophetic words from the year of 2018 that are not only deeply encouraging but may also give you resounding hope in situations that may be overwhelming for you.
Pastor Kilpatrick shares how the Lord stopped the evil leadership of Ahab and Jezebel in the Bible. He continues to highlight how the Lord is removing all that remains. “But as it was with Jezebel of old, her feet, her hands, and her skull survived. The feet speaks of where she’s been. Her hands speaks of what she’s done. And her skull speaks of her evil intentions. These forensics will cause her to surely be found out. It has been hidden and covered up but it has not been buried…The house of Ahab will also come to naught this year.”
As the Lord has previously revealed to Pastor John Kilpatrick that this year will be a year of divide interruptions, some may also be overtaken by the sudden blessings from the Lord. Pastor Kilpatrick shared a word of knowledge that may describe what will take place. “Within 12 hours, your misfortune will be transformed into a fortune. It will simply be the mercy of your loving Father. This will be a divine retribution for the injustice that you have had to endure. When the gavel comes down, you will keep asking ‘did this really happen, or am I dreaming?’.”
As Pastor Kilpatrick continues to share another word of knowledge, he describes how some who have experienced hardships regarding their reputation can look forward to hope in the coming days. “Your reputation is on the line. The Lord says, things have been published online about you, exaggerated and false accusations have taken a toll on your name. When you read what has been published, they seem to be so factual, although you know them to be lies.” As Pastor Kilpatrick explains, your redemption will come by the Hand of the Lord in His timing. “The Lord is making a way forward for you tonight. He has already determined how this is gonna turn out. The Lord said, these stones shall not hurt you”.
The Lord has spoke to Greg Lancaster in a prophetic encounter and showed him the evil one being put on trial. Because justice has been so long in coming, many have given up hope of justice actually coming. The moment the gavel of justice came down, gold rain filled the very courtroom that Greg was in during this encounter. Now is the time to take our position of authority and to lead where God has called us to lead. As God is bringing down the reign of Jezebel, we cannot tolerate her wicked and divisive schemes. God did not ask you if you wanted to lead. He has placed you in a position of authority and you are called to lead.
These are the days that the Lord is moving mightily upon His people. Receive all that God has for you as these encouraging prophetic words wash over you with a new wind of hope at your back, and uplifting joy in your heart. See the full conversation about what Pastor John Kilpatrick has shared, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Holy Spirit, prophetic word, prophecy, Pastor John Kilpatrick, Jezebel, Ahab, house of Ahab, reputation, smear tactics, manipulation, control, President Donald Trump, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., blessings, and hope. Greg and John shared in this segment.


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