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Home » Controversy and Progress Happen Simultaneously; Bishop T. D. Jakes

Controversy and Progress Happen Simultaneously; Bishop T. D. Jakes



In America we need to make progress and when progress happens controversy comes with it. As the Church we need to rise up and be the light of the world. If you study the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. you see where progress happened with the Civil Rights Movement and how controversy was happening at the same time. Join us as we hear from Bishop T.D. Jakes and how he shares about progress and controversy. Bishop Jakes shares, “We could not wait for the controversy to stop for the movement to go forward,” said Andy Young, a friend of Dr. King. Are you going to stand up and be like Dr. King, Jr. for your generation? We want to hear from you and how you are standing up for what is right. Also shared in this segment: Andy Young, Opposition, Complaining, Wisdom, Advancement, Civil Rights. Greg shared in this segment.

Courtesy of AnnetteShaff/Shutterstock.com

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