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Home » The Power is not in Just Hearing God’s Word; The Power is in Hearing and Practicing God’s Word.

The Power is not in Just Hearing God’s Word; The Power is in Hearing and Practicing God’s Word.



Practicing God’s Word is what builds a foundation in God not just reading or hearing it. It is great to listen to teachings about God’s Word and read His Word, but if we do that without putting it into practice, then we have no foundation built on Jesus. Do we see the fruit in our lives of what we are hearing and reading? James 1:22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” Do what God’s Word says. By God’s grace, we can implement what He says to do in our lives. Storms will come in our lives and we must have our foundation built strong in God which will make us stand firm in the storms. If your relationship with God depends only on meeting with Him one day a week, maybe on Sundays at Church, then that may be a clue that your relationship is not built on a firm foundation. Abiding with God is important to spend the time to hear from Him every day. If you need a plan on how to spend time with God visit iAbide and get your plan today and start or continue building a firm foundation on Jesus. We want to hear from you and what you think about this. Also shared in this segment: Matthew 7, Bible, Sand, Rock, Teachings. Greg, Pat, and John shared in this segment.

Courtesy of shutterstock.com/AmandaCarden

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