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Home » Revival Breakout on The Gulf Coast; Apostle Isaiah Kadiri

Revival Breakout on The Gulf Coast; Apostle Isaiah Kadiri



As Christians, we should find people who are saying what God is currently saying to the Church and the world. Apostle Isaiah Kadiri shares a revelation from God and how he sought God in prayer for four hours a day. He had this revelation while he was at his home in Nigeria and he traveled to America to specifically share this prophetic word with the Church. As he shares his powerful story, he prophecies how a mighty move of God will originate from the Gulf Coast, specifically, Mobile Bay, and spread to the north, south, east, and west. “What I saw was a mighty spinning wind…this is the winds of the end-time revival…” As the Body of Christ, we must be vigilant in our prayers in what God is going to do, to press in and seek the face of Christ. Before the breaking out of Pentecost, the Book of Acts chronicles how the disciples gathered in the upper room as they waited on the Lord. Apostle Kadiri encourages the Church to do the same, “move again to the upper room and vacate the supper room. The upper room is the incubating room, a womb, of this end-time revival…” This move of God that is coming is preparing the Church, the Bride, to meet Jesus, the Bridegroom. These are very exciting times; don’t miss out on what God is doing! Watch or listen to hear the full prophecy and be encouraged to seek God in the upper room and to be ready for the end time revival! We want to hear from you. Also shared in this segment: Great Awakening, Spirit of God, Holy Spirit, prayer, intercession, Mobile Alabama, Mobile Bay, Prophetic word, supper room, upper room, Azusa Street Revival, and the glory of God. Greg, Pat, and John shared in this segment. 


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