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Home » WATCH! 7th Grader Boldly Stands for God in front of School Board; Teacher Tells Students – God is a Myth; The Number One Thing that moves God

WATCH! 7th Grader Boldly Stands for God in front of School Board; Teacher Tells Students – God is a Myth; The Number One Thing that moves God



7th Grader Boldly Stands for God in front of School Board; Teacher Tells Students – God is a Myth

In the state, of Texas at West Memorial Junior High School, a seventh grader was told to put the word ‘myth’ by God on one of her school assignments. Jordan Wooley, a 12-year-old, testifies before the school board as to what her teacher told her to do. She says that she was given an assignment that questioned her faith and that her teacher specifically said that God is a myth. The teacher told the students that if they put what they personally believe to be a fact, then they would fail the paper. Jordan was very brave as she stood up for God in her school and to the school board. A county commissioner stated that everything that Jordan shared was not true and he did not seek to get statements from the other parents who said their children were told to give the same answer as Jordan. It is important that we all stand up for our rights and students have the right to boldly stand up for Jesus Christ! Watch or listen now to hear the full comments from Jordan and the county commissioner. Also shared in this segment: Texas, liberties, grade, assignments, faith, first amendment, fact, opinion, education, text, and truth. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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The Number One Thing that moves God 

Greg shares a dream that he had about people being healed. God said to him in the dream, “Don’t tell Me about the sickness; tell the sickness about Me.” When we are praying for someone’s healing, God wants that person healed more than we do! What moves God to respond to us? He responds to our faith! He wants us to believe that He can move. Since God responds to faith and not eloquence, don’t be intimidated by other believers who may pray with many words. A prayer can be as simple as praying, grace, grace, grace over the issue or mountain! Speaking this over any mountain in your life can knock it out, and God always has good plans for us to breakthrough these mountains in our lives. We want to hear from you! Also shared in this segment: faith, mountains, prayer, grace, crises, and humility. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Courtesy of MonkeyBusinessImages/Shutterstock.com

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