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Home » WATCH! Equally Funded Education; Time to Reaxamine Education in America including Christian Education; We Support Israel! Let’s Stand Together

WATCH! Equally Funded Education; Time to Reaxamine Education in America including Christian Education; We Support Israel! Let’s Stand Together



Equally Funded Education; Time to Reexamine Education in America including Christian Education

Every school in America should be funded equally. This has been out of balance for a long while. The way most schools are funded is by property tax in that school’s district. If you have higher value property in a school district, they will get higher funding. Then if you have a lower value property, the schools in that district will be funded less because there is less property tax. Schools are not being treated equally. Every child should have the same opportunity when they go to their district’s school. In an environment where the school is not equally funded it is unjust to the children to not get the full education experience that they need. It creates an atmosphere against the child learning. We believe it is time for the Church to have two different schools. One school is an evangelistic school where it reaches out to the lost and the other school for those that are already Christians and walk with Jesus. Children from these schools will be released into the world knowing the truth and will bring light into this dark world. Future leaders of America will come from being home schooled and these Christian schools that we discussed. We want to hear from you and what you think about this discussion. Also shared in this segment: taxes, funding, equal rights, evangelism, college, salvation, Teen Challenge. Greg, Pat, and John shared in this segment.

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We Support Israel! Let’s Stand Together

What is your partnership and sponsorship with VFNKB making possible? We stand up for God, country and we stand up for Israel. Your gifts and support not only give America and the World a Christian perspective of Israel, but it also supports Dugit Ministries which is in Israel. They feed the poor, help the Russian Jews and much more. You are helping to make this possible. Watch today to see how Dugit Ministries reaches out to those in need in Israel. Also, partner with us today at VFNKB! We want to hear from you. Also shared in this segment: Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, the poor, and prayer. Greg, Pat, and John shared in this segment.

Courtesy of syzx/Shutterstock.com

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