The Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached to all, then Jesus will return. Wycliffe translators translate the Bible and 5.8 billion people are getting scriptures in their native language tongue, their goal is that every single language will be translated by 2025. The reason why they have been able to do this is because of modern technology. We want to continue to pray for this to come to pass because this is a large project with many people involved. It is important to stand with VFNKB because we help you to understand the Word of the Lord and to also bring people to know Jesus as the Lord of their lives. When you partner with VFNKB you can say that you were also a part in bringing many to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. We want to hear from you and what you think about this discussion. Also shared in this segment: You Version, Electronic Bible, Bible, The Word of God, Salvation. Greg and John shared in this segment.
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