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Home » Francis Chan; Has Generation Z Lost Connection with God?

Francis Chan; Has Generation Z Lost Connection with God?



Urbana is the largest student missions conference in the world. It is an inter-varsity gathering where people of all ethnicities come together to worship the Lord and to discover their next step with God in their life. The pure gospel is spoken at Urbana and because of this young people that are ministered to leave filled with God and empowerment to move in the power of God.

Francis Chan speaks at Urbana and talks about what he would do differently if he could relive his life. “I would have had a greater focus on getting to unreached people…I would devote more of it to getting this Good News, this message, to people who have never heard about Jesus Christ…I feel… I’ve spent far too much time speaking to people who have already heard the Gospel thousands of times.” Francis talks about how easy it is to get caught up in this life and to try to make a name for ourselves and to forget about everyone who has not heard about Jesus. He is so serious about this that he stopped most of his speaking engagements, so he could devote more time to reaching the lost. “I don’t want to just entertain Christians.”

Be challenged by this message, to give your life to God and to reach the lost. You can join with VFN Kingdom Business and be a part in reaching the lost and those who have never heard of Jesus. Time is short, and we need to spend every moment we can to reach the lost. We can spend the rest of our days God has given us doing what He said, becoming a disciple of Jesus and making disciples. You can start discipleship on Emmaus Road and you can also partner with VFNKB to help reach those that need to be discipled. We must become busy and become a disciple of Jesus Christ. We want to hear from you! Also shared in this segment: evangelism, missions, Great Commission, discipleship, relationship, Church gatherings, fellowship, abiding, and eternity. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.

Courtesy of MonkeyBusinessImages/Shutterstock.com

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