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Home » Time for the American Church to Wake Up: Evangelist Steve Hill and Peter Wagner

Time for the American Church to Wake Up: Evangelist Steve Hill and Peter Wagner



It is time for the Church in America to wake up! Two of God’s Generals pinpointed how the Church is at a time of decision where we must wake up or else we will miss out on the move of God that is coming. We join a discussion between Evangelist Steve Hill and Peter Wagner and they share how other nations are advancing in the Church leaving America behind and how America needs revival. Steve shares, “Our nation needs something besides religion. Religion is hanging around the cross. Christianity is getting on the cross. America right now is hanging around the cross…Jesus got on the cross and talked to His disciples about getting on it.” Steve askes Peter the question, “What should the message, right now, be from pastors, from prophets, from evangelists, from anyone who’s in the ministry, or anyone who calls themselves a Christian?” Peter responds by pointing to the words of Jesus by saying, “I think one of the keys to revival is Jesus’ Great Commission…in a way that they multiply so fast that they change society…to make disciples of whole nations”. Steve responds to his words as some may think, “you’re talking radical stuff.” Peter continues talking about Pastors and what they need, “Not just taking care of the sheep, but preaching the Gospel that will move through their sheep to those who are not saved, and touch them with the Gospel, and bring them in, and continue the process.” And if these actions are carried out in the Church, we could see whole cites transformed for the Kingdom of God! The American Church should be challenged by the other nations that are advancing the Kingdom of God more than America. Steve continues, “There is revival coming, a great move of God coming. Tell Jesus you want to be a part of it…that you don’t want to be left behind.”

Watch or listen today to hear the full conversation between these two great men of God and get the wisdom that we need in America to advance the Kingdom of God! Also shared in this segment: China, India, Discipleship, salary packages, church planting, revival, blessings, and next generation. Greg and Steve shared in this segment. 

Courtesy of Pixabay.com

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