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Home » Prophesy! Danger Ahead, Lay Low Next Four Months June 10 – Oct. 10, 2018- Chuck Pierce

Prophesy! Danger Ahead, Lay Low Next Four Months June 10 – Oct. 10, 2018- Chuck Pierce



Chuck Pierce, of Glory of Zion Ministries, shared a prophetic word on June 10, 2018. As we listen and read this prophetic word we can remember the words from Amos 3:7 “For the Lord God does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets.” ESV A prophetic word is God letting us know what is about to happen! The next four months Chuck is referring to in this word would be June 10 to October 10, 2018. “I say this is a day of new power and from the power that I am bringing new authority will be developed. I say to you, be careful danger is lurking, the danger to stop the new power source that I am bringing to you is working now in your atmosphere. I say to you, go beyond and stay hidden for a season. I say stay hidden over these next four months in a way over what you are developing will be developed and be brought out with all authority. I say do not let an old structure stop you from continuing to develop what I am asking you to develop. For I am creating a new identity in you. I am moving in you in a new way and I am going to use you in days ahead in a new way. So, I say to you let the new continue to develop and go beyond where the enemy is trying to stop you now. I say when you don’t know how to go beyond, go beyond sayeth the Lord. For if you quit seeking, if you quit pressing, the enemy will catch you. I say stay one step ahead of death these next four months. Do not let that which would love to kill what you are about right now and what is going on in you right now stop you. I say to you, these next four months there’s great danger but in the midst of that danger I already have your new authority developed. I already have your new power stirring within you and I say to you at the right time you will bring out and display that which is working in you this day and because of that you will break into a new source. Let the old come to an end, let it shut down, for I say I am awakening the new within you, and you will celebrate in a new way, in days ahead.”

It is so exciting to hear this now word. The enemy is going to fight against the good things that are taking place so just keep building and stay low because great things are in store! Remember to not go by your feelings in these days ahead and to stand on the promises of God and be careful who you talk to. At VFNKB we have been building for years, and we want to continue to share with you, make sure to sign up for the VFNKB newsletter and to sign up for the pre-release of our new book! Also shared in this segment: Third Great Awakening, Abortion, Revival. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Courtesy of youtube.com

Danger Ahead | Key Prophecy | Chuck Pierce | June 10, 2018
Emmaus Road Discipleship
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