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Home » Prophesy! Trump, N. Korea, Iran, Revival Tsunami of God’s Spirit Coming- Kim Clement

Prophesy! Trump, N. Korea, Iran, Revival Tsunami of God’s Spirit Coming- Kim Clement



In this segment, we share a few of Kim Clement’s last prophecies from the year 2015. These are some encouraging words from Kim. Some of what Kim shares is, do not be afraid of North Korea, do not be afraid of Iran, do not be afraid of the nation for in 2016 everything will change, says the Lord. There will be a sound of liberty from the White House. There will be a sound of prayers from the White House. Pennsylvania Avenue shall be surrounded by people that will pray and ask Me to intervene and I shall, says the Lord. So, what is the foreboding sound? It is the sound of the enemies of America living in America. Those are your greatest enemies who call themselves citizens, but they are enemies of the cross and enemies of the nation, and they shall be dealt with.”

“The nations, the nations are in uproar, as we all know. But the Spirit of God has spoken clearly. These are His words:” The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof and yet you see the fear and the trembling from My people. What is this? What fear would be instilled in you by the media that paints pictures of doom, gloom, the prognosticators of this time. And they say ‘How shall we rid ourselves of ISIS and pacts made with Iran? Our enemies (Kim holds up cell phone) the Spirit of God says, This will do it. This tiny instrument that people use every second, I shall do something that shall expose what is taking place in Iran, Iraq, throughout the Middle East but Iran specifically. There shall be an exposure and they shall say such a tiny thing brought the truth out and such a tiny thing brought down that which was supposed to be upright and they are presently at this very moment together with Russia and laughing at this President and laughing at this nation. God says, I will have the last laugh. Why? Because as I have said throughout the summer there shall be one exposure after the other. And then I suddenly saw a word that I don’t enjoy speaking and that word was revival and I said, Lord what do you mean revival? And He said, Kim the people are praying to North Korea, Iran, China, yet the Church is growing in China faster than anywhere else in the world; yet the Church in Iran, underneath, is greater than the Church in the west. No, this nation needs revival. God says they have died and said the naturalism, the naturalism, the secular humanism. I am exposing them one minute at a time and even as you have seen the truth about the little children that are being destroyed and how they laugh about it, God said, today I will show you that I am about to pour upon My people, those who have given, those who have sowed, and those who have stood the test of time-I’m about to pour upon them unimaginable favor,” says the Spirit of God. I will heal bodies like I have never healed before. I will raise even the dead as they have said it cannot happen. I will do signs and wonders. Not signs and blunders, but signs and wonders, says the Lord, as this earth has never seen. I will begin in China, then I will move through Iran and the Middle East, and then I shall flame this country again under the leadership of a righteous President, says the Lord.”

“God says, Why have you chosen fear? Today I pray that the Holy Spirit would speak to every person all over the world. Some of you seeking direction some of you are fearful. I get letters every day from people that are fearful but the Spirit of God said, “Why have you chosen fear? What is it that causes My people to look to fear to say we must go back. God’s Spirit says to America and to the nations of the earth. Why do you stand fearing? When I spoke to Joshua, I said, ‘Do not fear.’ When I speak to you today, many have said, ‘What about the tsunami that is coming to New York? God said, There is no tsunami coming to New York at this time. I am the Lord, the Creator. The earth obeys Me and I have set certain things to happen, but at this time,” God said, “No tsunami. I will show you that there shall be a spiritual tidal wave that shall lift the people to a higher place. Enough of this fear-mongering,” says the Spirit of God. Look at Israel as they are now being rocketed because of handshakes with Iran, your enemy.” But God says, “They have not shook My hand! They have not taken My hand in a covenant. Only those who have taken My hand in a covenant shall see the release of My glory in this end-time and it is coming,” says the Lord. It is coming like a mighty rushing wind. As it was in the day of Acts on the Day of Pentecost, so it is coming again that My people may breathe the breath of God, that the paracletes may once again stand as the ‘Comforter’ of mankind. I will not hold back, says the Lord. This is an hour where triumph shall be from the north to the south and to the east to the west, says the Lord.

“America, I created you unique; it is not time for destruction. “Where was I when this nation began? People lived in their fields, prayed to their God, gave their hands, their feet and then their blood for this nation that I call precious, My darling America. I was there as they stood as families together watching loved ones die. I was there. Hear the notes of the violin, for they played and brought sounds from nations in Europe, Britain and then created their own sound. America you have imitated nobody for I created you unique. Where were they when man stood together and signed the Declaration of Independence. Where were they when they said under God, One God. I was there, says the Lord, and today there is still a remnant that will not bow to the naturalist and the secular humanist, the atheists. No, it is not time for the destruction of this nation. There will come a time where the wrath of God shall be poured upon the nations of the earth, but today I will bring recovery and restoration and once again America will sing My songs and pray My prayers and declare under God we stand,” says the Lord.

“Do not be afraid of North Korea, do not be afraid of Iran, do not be afraid of the nation for in 2016 everything will change, says the Lord. There will be a sound of liberty from the White House. There will be a sound of prayers from the White House. Pennsylvania Avenue shall be surrounded by people that will pray and ask Me to intervene and I shall, says the Lord. So, what is the foreboding sound? It is the sound of the enemies of America living in America. Those are your greatest enemies who call themselves citizens, but they are enemies of the cross and enemies of the nation and they shall be dealt with. You want judgment says the Lord, watch the atheist, watch, you want judgment. Then watch those that have risen up against me and said perhaps we shall embrace balallah, perhaps we shall embrace that religion. Maybe we shall embrace Shariah Law. Hah, I laugh at you because the spirit of Elijah is in this nation and Jezebel shall not stand, says the Lord. Combination of sounds, blow the trumpet blow the shofar, blow it for they shall be a combination of the sound if Israel and the sound of the United States of America. A new sound and I will take the Spanish music and I will take the Latin and I will put it together and a unique generation will begin to rap and begin to sing with the combination of the sound of Israel and the sound of America and the sound of Central America and the sound of South America, says the Lord. The Lord God of Israel is a jealous God. I Am the Lord Your God and I am jealous God. I will not allow the gods of balallah, the idols of the Middle East. I shall not allow these idols to be worshipped. This is a time for sobriety, to be sober. Why? Because men have been blinded, there has been poverty, religious poverty, and yet there is a sound.”

We can remember Amos 3:7 “For the Lord God does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets.” ESV These are exciting words from God! Pastor John Kilpatrick shares a word that Dr. Yonggi Cho had from God, that God is going to set America ablaze again! God has heard our prayers, and He is doing a new thing in America and the world. We want to hear from you! Also shared in this segment: Don Potter, MorningStar, Tidal Wave, Glory, Cabinet, President Donald Trump. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Courtesy of kimclement.com

Kim Clement’s Last Prophetic Words North Korea,Trump, Iran, USA
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