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Home » VFNKB #SuccessSecret: The Keys to Winning- Nick Saban, Alabama Football Coach

VFNKB #SuccessSecret: The Keys to Winning- Nick Saban, Alabama Football Coach



In this VFNKB Success Secret, Nick Saban, head football coach for the University of Alabama, gives us the keys to winning! Coach Saban has had 223 victories and 62 losses in his career and out of 22 championship games he has won 13! He is a very successful coach and gives a great success secret.

“The real key to winning is all about mindset, mindset in your organization. For me is starts with you, gotta have a vision… It doesn’t really matter what you want to accomplish or what you want to do; you have to have a vision for it… Where people fail, the most is you have to have the discipline to execute it every day. What is discipline…how I define it… Something you know you are supposed to do but you really don’t want to, but you do it anyway…this is what helps us stay focused on the process of what we need to do to accomplish the vision we have… Undisciplined people do dumb things, disciplined people do smart things, which one are you? Everyone has to overcome this…am I going to do what I feel like doing or am I going to choose to do the things I need to do to accomplish the goal and vision that I have?”

This points out the struggle between flesh and spirit that we have. We must choose to do the things that will help us meet our goal and vision if we want to be successful. Success doesn’t just happen, it takes time and hard work. For example, Michael Johnson spent a 1,000 hours preparing for the 200-meter race so he could win a gold medal in the Olympics. As Coach Saban said, “You have to have the discipline to execute it every day.” This is the difference between dreamers and doers, at some point doers execute. At VFNKB we want to help you be successful in your business and personal life! Contact us on our website or email at [email protected] we want to hear from you. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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Coach Nick Saban LEADERSHIP SPEECH – 2016 CBT Conference Keynote Speaker
Emmaus Road Discipleship
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