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Home » Bishop Harry Jackson Shares the Purpose he and other African American Pastors Met with President Trump at the White House

Bishop Harry Jackson Shares the Purpose he and other African American Pastors Met with President Trump at the White House



President Donald Trump met with African American pastors from all over America which is very encouraging because the Church is being heard! We appreciate all the pastor’s representing the Church at the White House.

Bishop Harry Jackson is interviewed on CBN News, after his and the other pastor’s, meeting with President Trump. He shares the purpose of this meeting was to talk about President Trump’s urban agenda which he said included justice reform and re-entry for people from prison. President Trump also talked about how there are 4 million new jobs coming to America. This is exciting because those that have previously been left behind are now being seen and supported to have a successful life. Every person on this earth is important to God! We want to hear from you! You can email us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Courtesy of CBN News

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