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Mr. Rogers’ “Rarely What We See is Essential, It’s What We Don’t See That is.”




Do you remember watching Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood? Mr. Rogers did many things in his life. He was a children’s television presenter, actor, puppeteer, singer, composer, television producer, author, educator, and Presbyterian Minster. His life was recently recognized through a new documentary, Won’t You be my Neighbor, which is the 13th highest grossing documentary of all times! The movie grossed 20 million dollars in 52 days! Mr. Rogers did well sharing the love of God to the world through his life. As St. Francis of Assisi said, “Preach the Gospel at all times. When necessary use words.” Mr. Rogers did just that.

Mr. Rogers is interviewed by Charlie Rose and remarks on the fact that we need to look beyond the outside of people. “What is essential is invisible to the eye…the older I get the more important I know that is. Because what we see that is rarely what is essential. What’s behind your face is what’s essential.” He is asked the question by Charlie, “What can’t we see about you that’s essential?” Mr. Rogers answers, “You can’t see my spiritual life, unless you ask me about it. You don’t see my family life unless you ask me about it.” Jesus even talks about looking for the things unseen. “…Look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. ESV We are spirits that have bodies that possess a soul. So many are caught up in making the outside look good, not understanding that God is focused on the inside, on our hearts. Many are miserable and falling apart on the inside even when the outside looks good. Be encouraged to focus on your family and everyone you meet and to ask how they are on the inside. We need to be healed on the inside and we must help others be healed on the inside as well.

Charlie poses the next question, “What have you learned from the kids?” Mr. Rogers answers, “Practically everything. How to know that it’s alright to say what comes to your mind right away.” He goes on to say that Jesus even talked about the children. “Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”  He says that Jesus may have been thinking, “I want to be involved with these innocent people who make up the Kingdom of heaven.” Unless we become like a child we can’t inherit the Kingdom of heaven! We can choose this and become like a child and we can ask God to help us with that too. We want to hear from you, what do you think about this perspective of focusing on the heart of others and becoming like a child? Greg and John shared in this segment.

Courtesy of Youtube.com Charlie Rose

Remembering Mr. Rogers (1994/1997) | Charlie Rose
Emmaus Road Discipleship
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