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Home » Roe V. Wade The MOVIE: The Real Story is Out- Dr. Alveda King

Roe V. Wade The MOVIE: The Real Story is Out- Dr. Alveda King



Dr. Alveda King, the author of King Rules, who herself had an abortion before she knew that was wrong, is now an advocate for life! Roe V. Wade The Movie is in the process of being produced and Dr. King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., needs your help. Over 50 plus million children have been aborted since Roe V. Wade was passed. This movie is being produced to shine the light on the truth of Roe V. Wade and abortion. It chronicles the abortion case and the real untold stories of this case. Dr. King and her team have already secured over 1,000 screens to play this movie. She requests your support to help save the lives of the unborn and in her words, “We can prove together that Hollywood does not have the final say on the sanctity of life.” You can help support this great movie and cause at Go Fund Me, and you can also see more at Roe V Wade The Movie; Facebook. Greg supported this movie and is imploring you to do the same. What we do with life is very important and acting on supporting life by ending abortion can help bring the third great awakening to pass! We want to hear what you think about this which you can email us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Screenshot courtesy of youtube.com Roe V Wade The Movie

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