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Home » WATCH! The Racist History of Planned Parenthood; Father’s Warning after Daughter Sex Trafficked; Women Making Major Contributions in S.T.E.M.; A Movement for Transformational Change; VFNKB – Join the Movement

WATCH! The Racist History of Planned Parenthood; Father’s Warning after Daughter Sex Trafficked; Women Making Major Contributions in S.T.E.M.; A Movement for Transformational Change; VFNKB – Join the Movement



The Racist History of Planned Parenthood

CBN News reports on the history of how Planned Parenthood started. Margaret Sanger began this organization with a focus on abortion among African American’s. Reportedly “In many black communities, for every child born, three others are aborted. More than double the rate among whites.” Bishop Daniel Robertson, with Mt. Gilead Baptist Church is working to stop abortion and leads those seeking abortion to adoption instead. “We go to the abortion clinics and ask people; there are other alternatives, we try to educate people, let them know you don’t have to do this.” As CBN News’ Charlene Aaron additionally highlights, “Black Americans were long ago targets of the abortion industry. In the early 20th Century, Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood; an organization that later became the nation’s largest abortion provider…Sanger encouraged abortion and sterilization to limit the size of black families.” Pastor Clenard Childress, Jr founder of Black Genocide.org, boldly declares, “[abortion] is black genocide.” As Pastor Childress explains, Sanger used the African American minister to advance her agenda, because of this he points out, “The colored minister, the Negro minister, the African American minister is pivotal right now, in addressing the abortion issue because we have been silent due to political ties and due to some misinformation.”

Change is coming to America, and pro-life decisions are being made because of President Donald Trump. We must also stand up for life and be active to help change the narrative concerning babies and new life. We want to hear from you! You can write to us at [email protected]. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.

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Father’s Heart Wrenching Warning after Daughter Sex Trafficked

Many relationships are being made through social media in our current generation. Some are good relationships, and some are deadly. We hear from a father who talks about how his daughter was always on social media and how he was surprised to find out it led her to travel to meet someone she met online. It ended in her being a victim of a sex sting operation.

“Yesterday, I get a call from the sheriff, and they have my child in San Jose, and she had been a victim of a sting.” He further describes what had taken place. “It was a nationwide investigation company that was investigating minors being sold online for sex.”

“By the grace of God, it was this man and not a real man that set up a date with my 17-year-old child. She is not innocent, but she was definitely manipulated…This could happen to anybody’s child. You think your kids on the phone, or on the internet, whatever, you think you know what they’re doing…this world doesn’t care about our children man; we got to!”

If this was a true sex trafficker then she could have been gone forever because of the relationship she made online. Social media is made to look like reality, but you have no idea who you are talking to when you are talking to someone online. Technology cannot take the place of authentic relationships because it is not real. Watch this father as he shares openly about how we need to be careful and keep an eye on what our children are doing. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.

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Women Making Major Contributions in Science Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

America’s President Donald Trump has put into action many executive orders for the good of our country. In an Executive Order, he is supporting women in the STEM industries, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Women should have an equal opportunity to be hired for these higher paying jobs and now women’s unemployment is at a 66 year low! As Paul said, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” These words are still true today. We should look at everyone as an equal. President Trump shares these words concerning women in the STEM industry, “Currently, only one in every four women who gets a STEM degree is working in a STEM job, which is not fair and it’s not even smart for the people that aren’t taking advantage of it. It’s unacceptable that we have so many American women who have these degrees but yet are not being employed in these fields.”

This is so exciting to see this taking place in our nation! As believers, we should stand on God’s Word and treat everyone as an equal, and it is encouraging to see our President doing the same. Greg and Steve shared in this segment. 

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A Movement for Transformational Change; VFNKB – Join the Movement

Charisma News is reporting on, Lance Wallnau and Rick Joyner’s discussion how the Church is presently not responding the way it needs to. “I’m jumping out of my skin because I’m hearing people say stuff that on one hand, it’s anointed, but on the other hand, I hear the datedness of how we think because we all go back to the old paradigm.” When addressing the chaotic events of Hurricane Katrina, Lance highlights how the Church didn’t have a plan to respond to the many needs that presented themselves. “The Body of Christ in America has got to become as muscular and coherent in modeling answers to problems as the progressive left is.”

With this in mind, Lance expresses the importance that we, individually, must know where God has called us to make an impact for the Kingdom of God. “Individuals should be oracles in their sphere; they should know what giant they’re after…like a good military thing. If you’re moving in all directions, you’re not moving anywhere. Everyone here should know what sphere they’re called to go into, and how to articulate in a powerful and compelling way the truth that displaces the lie…you guys have got to go from being polite conservative that are disengaged to mobilized conservative with activist views that you believe in.”

At VFNKB we have been walking this out. We talk about the seven spheres of culture which we call the seven mountains of culture, business, education, government, family, faith, arts and entertainment, and media. God wants you to have the tools you need to succeed in whichever mountain you are called to. Be a part of VFNKB to obtain the tools needed, to be encouraged, and also to work with others and together we can further the Kingdom of God! Greg and John shared in this segment. 

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