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Home » Are You Tired of Religion? Hold on Because God’s Glory is being Poured out and it is WONDERFUL!

Are You Tired of Religion? Hold on Because God’s Glory is being Poured out and it is WONDERFUL!



When difficult times happen, there is always a huge harvest of souls! Right now, America is going through difficult times, but that means that a great harvest is coming. It is reported that there is a billion-soul harvest coming in and we must get ready for these souls. At VFNKB we have been doing that. We have a discipleship journey that is available to anyone. You can sign up for training today and become a disciple of Jesus on Emmaus Road.

In these difficult times, a good question to ask is what the condition  is our soldiers in? We see a group of Marine soldiers worshiping God which is encouraging! The group is called Real Men Worship, and they are singing the song Lord I Lift Your Name on High. God is moving all over the world today!

We must also remember that we are designed for the presence of God, and we are as close to God as we want to be. We must make a choice to go after God no matter what and surround ourselves with others who are going after God too. This is going to be the best of times and the worst of times. If you don’t have a place to gather with other believers VFN Dream Center may be right for you. You can visit us and join with others who are hungry for more of God. We want to hear from you! You can write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Courtesy of Storyblocks.com

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