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Is President Trump God’s Man? Candid Conversation James Robison and Dr. Brown



Is President Trump God’s Man? Candid Conversation James Robison and Dr. Brown

In America, our President is never our savior, and we must remember that the President may not be saved but can still be used by God. Pastor John Kilpatrick said it perfectly. “President Trump might not be a man of God, but without a doubt, he is God’s Man.” Dr. Michael Brown recently wrote a book, Donald Trump is Not My Savior, and he has an honest conversation with Christians and how they can relate to President Trump. James Robison, the founder of The Stream, interviews Dr. Brown. This book is not a criticism of President Trump; it is a tool to help Christians relate to him and how they can still support him even if they don’t agree with everything he does.

James speaks to Dr. Brown of how amazing it was that President Trump won the election and before this election even took place he said “I don’t think we (evangelicals/Christians) are going to get our champion; I think we are going to get the people’s champion and how the people of God in the Church respond to the people and their champion is going to say a whole lot about the Church. And for me as a member of Christ’s body of believers, the Church, I felt like I was to speak truth in love, very faithfully and forcefully, directly as possible to Donald Trump. Which he opened the door for me to do that, would you call it a miracle that door even opened?”

Dr. Brown responds stating that James said in 55 years of ministry that no one had ever received him more openly than President Trump. Dr. Brown continues stating when he saw what was going on in America with President Trump he had to stop and ask himself what was appealing to the people. “By the time he (President Trump) got elected as the Republican nominee I had to recognize that God was doing something. No other way was it going to happen…I think if we keep that divine perspective because it is really easy to go back to just all the criticism…it is very easy to swing back into that and fail to recognize what God continues to do.”

They continue to discuss President Trump and how he admires Christ in others and is open to prayer from believers. Jesus said, “Anyone who welcomes you welcomes Me, and anyone who welcomes Me welcomes the One who sent Me.” Matthew 10:40 James says we see this with President Trump and “God uses imperfect people to accomplish His will.” The Bible is filled with imperfect people being used by God as an answer to prayers. We have all failed and have done things in our lives that we regret, and the President’s failures are in the spotlight. We must keep praying for our nation and the direction it is going. If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

It is important for us to pray but also to vote! You can find out more about the candidates that are running, here and get educated so you can be a value-based voter. We must do our part and get out and vote! We want to hear from you! You can write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Screen Capture Courtesy of The Stream

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