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Life on the Edge: The Most Critical Decade of Your Life, James Dobson



John shares how when he graduated; he was given a book by Dr. James Dobson that helped him in the transition from graduation to the rest of his life. Life on the Edge is for any person and especially between the ages of 16 to 26 which are the most formative years of our lives!

When journeying through this season, we may not understand the importance and seriousness of the decisions and choices that are made. As Dr. Dobson expresses in this book, it is here when we make financial decisions, relational, and educational decisions that will affect us, whether good or bad, for the rest of our lives. We need to get wisdom and share this wisdom with those in this transition period.

John reads an excerpt from the book, “It is very easy to get off the trail into the ditch in the morning of our lives. No one travels down the river of life without encountering turbulence.” Because of this, it is important to find out what is important to us and encourage young people to find this out as well so that we can have a vision for where we are going in life. Many people are shipwrecked at an early age because they didn’t apply wisdom and didn’t think what they were doing was that big of a deal. We don’t want to go through life casually; we want to go through with intention, with purpose and know that the life we are living is real! We can’t do it over again. Mistakes will be made but, in those moments, seek out someone who has the wisdom you need to help you come out of the mistake and not to do that again. You can, of course, seek wisdom before you make a decision when you are not sure it is the right thing to do. It is better to borrow the experience than to have to buy the experience. You can learn from other people’s mistakes and other people’s victories and apply this wisdom to your life to help you be successful.

Also, we must seek God about what true success is. Success is not found in material wealth and achievements. For a believer, success is living for God and doing the things that please Him. We are not on this earth by accident and are here based on God’s plan, and He has good plans in store for us and the small amount of time we have on earth we can give Him pleasure and joy by living for Him! He partners with us! Be encouraged whether you graduated recently or many years ago the best life you can choose now is to live for God. You can make that change now and make Jesus the Lord of your life and live a truly successful life! You can read our stories at Meet My Father and see how we made that decision. We want to hear from you! You can write to us at [email protected]. John and Steve shared in this segment.

Courtesy of Storyblocks.com

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