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Home » Prophecy! America is at a HINGE POINT! A Call for Intercession Nov. 5, 2018, Cindy Jacobs

Prophecy! America is at a HINGE POINT! A Call for Intercession Nov. 5, 2018, Cindy Jacobs



Cindy Jacobs is leading a call for intercession called Rise Up 18 and is calling everyone to pray for the elections because the Lord gave her a prophetic word for America. “The nation is at a hinge point, meaning either the door of destiny or the door of providence will open for the nation. Are we going to go the opposite way, and it will be a great great battle for our future? So, would you do something for me and for the nation? Would you pray and vote?”

It is time for us to rise up across the nation and God is looking for someone to stand in the gap. No matter where you are you can reach out to God and cry out for our nation. Having a relationship with God is important!

The most important thing about you is what you think about God! As believers, we must read the Bible to learn more about Jesus and realize how much we need Him. Reported by the Barna Group only 3% of believers read the Bible. We must not be afraid to get into God’s Word so that we can understand that God uses imperfect people. We need to hear God’s voice and reading His Word opens that door, so we can hear His voice. You can get your free plan to learn how to spend time with the Lord at iAbide and also you can get a free discipleship plan to get the truth on Emmaus Road. We want to hear from you, you can write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Screen Capture Courtesy of Youtube.com God TV

America is at a hinge-point – A Message from Cindy Jacobs
Mid Term Election Prayer Meeting
Emmaus Road Discipleship
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