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Home » From India! What does Christmas mean to You?

From India! What does Christmas mean to You?



What does Christmas mean to you? This is a great question to ask yourself and others. Some people of the streets of Bangalore in India are asked that question.

One man answers that question what Christmas means to him, “It is Jesus coming down for us, it is the epitome of love.”

A woman responds with her answer, “This is love, joy, hope, and peace. So, this is the time we spread the love which God has given us.”

Next, they are asked what Jesus means to them. A man responds, “Jesus is everything to me…from day one He has always been there. I am a very firm believer of Christ, and I love Him, and He loves us.”

A woman answers the question next, “He means all but above all He is God. He is God for me. He is my friend, He is my Savior, and I believe He died for my sins and that He lives. We celebrate His birthday on December 25, but actually, it is every day a celebration that Jesus was born and came into this world. It is amazing to know that He came, and He came as my God and to save the world.”

Be encouraged by these responses and watch or listen to the full segment. We want to hear your answer to these questions. You can write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Screenshot courtesy of God Who?

What does Christmas mean to you?
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