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Home » It’s Okay to Raise a Family with Godly Values and to Believe God for a Nation Filled with Christians

It’s Okay to Raise a Family with Godly Values and to Believe God for a Nation Filled with Christians



It is time for the Church to get busy about the Father’s business which is doing what He did as Jesus has called us to do!

“He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Mark 16:15

In America, we can see where many are going backward in trying to win a nation. It looks like the goal is first to win a nation over politically and then the next goal is to win people to Christianity when the true way to win a nation to Jesus Christ is by winning the heart of a nation. Sharing with the lost the love of God and sharing your testimony. That will turn a nation back to God. We can have a Christian nation by living as a Christian and drawing closer to the Lord and through that others will come to know Christ. That person may be a Senator, a school board member, or even a county commissioner. With simple acts of loving one another, we can have a significant impact on our communities, a state, and even the entire nation. This will grow the number of Christians in America which will bring us closer to a Christian nation.

God has called Christians to affect others for Jesus Christ! Wherever we live, we should be changing the people we encounter because of the relationship we have with Jesus. Also, impacting a nation starts with our own family and when our family is changed that will spread to the nation. Right now, when we look at the Church in America, it does not look like the Christianity that is written about in the Word of God, but once the Church turns back to God and starts walking out their Christianity; that is when this nation will turn back to God! Be encouraged in your walk with Jesus and challenged to share His love with those you encounter today! We want to hear from you; you can write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Courtesy of Storyblocks.com


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