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Home » Little Girl Shows us the Importance of Shopping for Others this Christmas

Little Girl Shows us the Importance of Shopping for Others this Christmas



We are in the Christmas season and it is an important time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is many people’s favorite time of the year. What does Christmas mean to you?

Journey is a young girl who takes us on a journey as she saves money to go shopping for other kids in need. She reminds us all the importance of giving to others this Christmas. “Today I am going to talk about why it is important to give to others. First of all, it feels really good inside. When you reward someone else, God rewards you back and it’s a good deed…it makes the world a better place to live.”

She shares how her mom matched the amount of money she had saved in her “sharing bank” and had a total of $40.66 to go shopping. Journey went to the store and picked out the toys for the needy kids and shows us the toys she bought with much excitement. She asks us all to “crack open your piggy bank and see if you have enough money to help needy kids. Happy Holidays!”

It is encouraging to see a young child thinking of others during Christmas and spending her money she saved on those in need! Start to think about what Christmas means to you and even ask others the same question. We can follow Journey’s example as well and give to those in need this Christmas season and share the love of Jesus Christ.  We want to hear your answer and hear about how you helped others this Christmas! Write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Courtesy of youtube.com Journey’s Style File

Journey’s Style File: Helping Others During the Holidays
Emmaus Road Discipleship
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