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T.D. Jakes 5 Things He Would Tell a Younger T.D. Jakes: Wisdom Learned



Bishop T.D. Jakes sits down with Charisma and is asked what he would tell a younger T.D. Jakes. In life, we can borrow experiences versus buying them. We need wisdom because wisdom is the proper application of knowledge. We can borrow this wisdom from Bishop Jakes! He is an accomplished man, recognized author, and Pastor of the Potter’s House.

The first piece of wisdom he offered is to “Let your purpose guide you.” God has a purpose and an assignment for your life that He knew before the beginning of the world!

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

You can save energy and resources by first seeking God and asking Him what His purpose for you in life is versus trying to find it on your own. Finding your purpose is where you will be the most fruitful in your life and where you can bring the most glory to God!

The second piece of wisdom he shares is to “not let others define you.” If we believe what others say about us and it defines us, then we can get stuck which will lead to a miserable life. Many people don’t know their identity in the Lord. We define ourselves by our behavior but not by our identity. When we are a believer, our identity is in Jesus! We must start speaking over ourselves what God is saying over us.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
2 Corinthians 5:17

Bill Johnson, Pastor of Bethel Church shares, “I refuse to have a thought about myself that God doesn’t have about me.” Where does our self-worth come from? Imagine if everything we did was for the eyes of one, God. Regardless of who we are, or where we are, God always sees what it is that we are doing. When we live out our lives for His attention alone, it doesn’t matter who is present or who is not.

The next thing Bishop Jakes shares is that “disappointment is inevitable, but suave financial sense can ease the burden.” Often, we like to train people for success, but we fail them by teaching them how to fail. Failures are inevitable in life.  We celebrate winning, but the truth is, each of us will have far more failures than successes in life. We must teach people to fail properly so that when they fail, they fail forward knowing that we made a choice that wasn’t right and to get up and keep moving forward in what God has called us to do. Failure is not final!

We must prepare our young people in the importance of finances, to teach them how finances work, and how it can be used as a tool to advance the Kingdom of God!

Bishop Jakes also encourages, “let go of some relationships…there are some people that you do lunch with, and there are some people that you do life with.” We can prioritize the people that we have relationships with. It takes wisdom to recognize that not everyone is truly our friend. If God is our number one priority, a true friend is one that draws us closer to God instead of away. Do you spend time with people or do you invest time in people? Just as we value those that invest in our lives, we must also be those who sow value into the lives of those around us.

Lastly, Bishop Jakes reminds us to “let it all out in a laugh.” There are many serious moments in our lives, but sometimes we need to slow down and not take everything so seriously. Life passes very quickly; we need to stop and enjoy the season that we are in. What do you think about this wisdom? We want to hear from you! Write to us at [email protected]. John and Steve shared in this segment.

Courtesy of Pixabay.com

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