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Home » WATCH! Rapper, Wealthy Drug Dealer Comes to God and Leaves his former life for NEW LIFE + Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom

WATCH! Rapper, Wealthy Drug Dealer Comes to God and Leaves his former life for NEW LIFE + Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom



Rapper, Wealthy Drug Dealer Comes to God and Leaves his former life for NEW LIFE

There is a lie out that Christians are perfect and that they don’t make any mistakes. That once you fail you can’t get back up again, but these are not true! We share an encouraging story about a rapper who left his wealthy life as a rapper and a drug dealer for Jesus! His name is Mark Outing, and his testimony will bless you.

“When I look back on my life, I had a lot of enemies…it really got out of hand. I’ve done things that I’m ashamed to even share.” Mark shares how there would be a club fight or a shootout and that they would do whatever it took. “The desire to succeed was at such a high rate that I would’ve sold my soul to get to the top.”

He continues and says it was normal to have ten to fifteen thousand dollars in his pocket and his life became more about being a drug dealer than being a successful rapper. He was able to buy anything he wanted from the most expensive cars to the biggest houses.

“But then I’m lying in bed at night. It’s me and my conscious and my conscious is saying ‘this is not well.’ And me thinking, ‘let me go buy something,’ I’ll buy a Porsche, and I’d get excited for a week, but it wouldn’t leave me alone because something wasn’t right. There was a problem. The thought of not being satisfied just wouldn’t go away.”

He realized he had hunger in his heart that none of the things he could buy would fill that hunger. He ended up meeting a girl and followed her to church. He found out the truth about following Jesus, and he saw what his true condition was. “My true condition is that I was not right with God. That’s scary.”

Mark cried out to God and asked Him for a new life through Jesus Christ. This is the same Jesus that has saved us and has saved you or can save you if you have not made Jesus the Lord of your life. Don’t resist the promptings of God if He is calling out to you through this testimony. He wants a relationship with you, and He loves you! We shared our testimonies of how we came to know Jesus as our Lord, and you can read those stories at Meet My Father, and you can make the same decision today! We want to hear from you! You can write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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#WisdomMoments Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom

In this wisdom moment, we discuss the fear of the Lord spoken of in the book of Proverbs in the Bible.

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.Proverbs 1:7

Knowledge without the fear of the Lord is not a good thing. We know that knowledge puffs up a person with pride and they are setting themselves up for a huge fall. It is not a bad thing to gain knowledge in the Bible or the world, but you want to do that with the fear of the Lord.

When we live in the fear of the Lord, we know that He is always watching us, and we live our life for Him and to please Him.

“The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good.” Proverbs 15:3

This verse alone should give us the fear of the Lord. Also, when you are a believer, Jesus is in you! We can’t live independent of God and His expectations because He is God and it is His way and His will that should rule in our lives.

A healthy fear of the Lord does not mean you should walk around scared and fearful that something bad is going to happen. It is being in awe of God and aware that He sees all! God wants us to grow in this fear of Him as we gain knowledge.

We must also remember just because someone has knowledge and is smart does not mean they are wise. Many that know so much in the world or even some people in the church do not want to hear anything about wisdom or instruction. We can check someone by watching for these traits in their character and know that if a person does not accept wisdom or instruction then they are not the best person to listen to or take advice from. We must surround ourselves with others who also fear the Lord. What do you think about this? We want to hear from you! You can write to us at [email protected]. John and Pat shared in this segment.

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