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Home » Anointed Prophetic Message Preached by a Child: Is this the Beginning of the Harvest of Harvesters for God’s End Time Move of God?

Anointed Prophetic Message Preached by a Child: Is this the Beginning of the Harvest of Harvesters for God’s End Time Move of God?



As we see so much darkness in the world, children are being touched by God and are sharing anointed words from God! A young girl shares a message before a large crowd, and it is powerful.

She opens by sharing, “Tonight, I’m gonna preach about receiving the blessing.” She continues by asking two questions, “How many of you guys know what an umbrella does? It blocks the rain from touching you. How many know what a funnel does? It receives the rain. And the rain is the blessings.” 

As she continues to talk about the rain, she speaks from 1 Kings 18:41, “I hear the abundance of rain…the rain won’t stop until you receive it.”

She shares a story next of how she was praying for her neighbor. After she had prayed for him, he began to speak in tongues. “How do I stop?” he asked. Immediately she responded, “You can’t. That’s when you start laying your hands on other people and saving them and bringing them to the Kingdom of God.”

This young girl is so inspiring, and the Lord has also shown us and others that the rain is here! A great move of God is coming bringing in a billion young people to Jesus! We have prepared for these many souls that are coming in by creating a discipleship journey, Emmaus Road where you and others can become disciples of Jesus Christ. Begin your journey today and be ready for the harvest of souls that are coming in! We want to hear from you! You can write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Courtesy of Storyblocks.com

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