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Home » #WisdomMoments God Weighs the Heart

#WisdomMoments God Weighs the Heart



In this wisdom moment, we share the wisdom and truth of how God sees the intentions of our hearts.

“A person may think their own ways are right, but the Lord weighs the heart.” Proverbs 21:2

We can say all the things that we want to, but God will take our heart and weigh it by the Holy Spirit to find out the truth of what is in our heart. We may think our way is right, but once our heart is weighed and God shows us the truth, we can repent of the sin that was revealed. Looking at this truth, that God weighs our hearts, we can see how we must stay totally dependent on God! The definition of humility is a total dependency on God and respect for other people. We are dependent on the mercy and grace of God.

“Therefore He says: “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” James 4:6

This means that we should walk in the fear of the Lord and to always walk in the ways of the Lord keeping our hearts pure before Him. Also, be open to the plan that God has for you and not stuck on your own plan. God has good plans in store for you! Be uplifted with this wisdom moment and be sure to listen or watch the full segment. We want to hear from you, and you can write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Courtesy of Storyblocks.om

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