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Home » Celebrating the Joy and Power of Baptism

Celebrating the Joy and Power of Baptism



Greg and John share how baptisms took place at Vine Fellowship Network. David Walters, Greg’s grandson, was baptized because he gave his life to the Lord recently. David had a dream before his baptism that he was baptized and as he was in the cold water, he felt like he was on fire. Then as he came out of the water, he felt 20 pounds lighter. Baptism is an important next step once you are saved to show the world the decision that you have made for Christ. Mario Lopez publicly showed his baptism in the Jordan River which was powerful to see him declare to the world his decision for Jesus. John’s daughter Mya was also baptized because she made the decision to follow Jesus and she wanted to take the next step. Maybe you have made the decision to follow Christ, but you have not been baptized yet, make sure to do that soon! Anyone can baptize you, and you can be baptized anywhere! Follow the example of Jesus and get baptized! We want to hear your stories about your baptism. You can write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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